Anyone use cloth baby wipes?

@ariel I planned to cloth diaper, but ended up somewhere with shared laundry where it wasn’t allowed. Our flats and cloth wipes get used daily still almost four years later. Our soft cotton wipes are so much less drying and more gentle when you’re wiping your nose a lot.
@dobsonsdogs I've used cloth wipes for both my kids. Bought 24 when I had my first baby, then bought another 24 seven year later for baby nr 2.

I love them. A more organized person than me, might throw them in a wetbag after use, but I just toss mine straight into the "boil wash" hamper (sorry, I know it's not called this in English, but I can't think of the right word" and wash once a week-ish with our other wash cloths, dish cloths, towels, etc.

I use normal wipes when out and about, just because again, I am not organized enough to always have a wetbag, etc with me.
@dobsonsdogs We use Marley's Monsters cloth wipes. One pack was enough for us and we tossed them in the wash with the diapers. We got a spray bottle for on the road, and at home we used a container. The solution was from Baby Bits Wipe Solution .
@dobsonsdogs Oh my god I LOVE the cloth wipes, seriously they're so much more effective and I get so much less poo on my hands. 😂 We're normally mostly cloth, but leaning 70/30 to disposables as we're waiting on additional space to hang things to dry but the cloth wipes you can pry from my cold dead hands!

And since we cloth nappy, we have a bucket with a liner for dirties but when we're out even if I'm using a disposable, I'll just pop wipes in a wetbag! You can get them pretty cheaply if you don't have some already! They're also super handy for wet clothes as well!
@dobsonsdogs I usually do a preliminary wipe with the nappy itself that gets most chunks off (🤢) but otherwise I rinse them off with the cloth nappies, a bidet attachment to your toilet is pretty inexpensive (like I've seen them here for £15) and you can just shoot the poo into the toilet usually!
@dobsonsdogs You can hold a corner and dangle in toilet and flush toilet, making sure the spray hits the poop. Then give a rinse in a sink. I then have a drying rack while they wait to be washed.
@dobsonsdogs You really do want to pre-clean chunks of solid food poop but you can just scrape with a designated spatula or dip and swish in the toilet. If you don't use a sprayer I would recommend a smoother fabric like flannel, not fluffy terry cloth.
@dobsonsdogs I cut up flannel into squares, my mom sewed the edges on her machine so they don’t fray. I wet them just with water, no special solution. Put them in the bin with the cloth diapers and wash them together. If you’re cloth diapering it’s really minimal extra effort to do cloth wipes
@dobsonsdogs I do! Much more effective than disposables. I have a bunch of the Grovia wipes and use them for butts, hands, noses etc. my baby is sensitive to all the extracts and fragrances used in the disposables so I’m glad we went with cloth. He’s on solids now (8 months) but poops on his potty so I just use tissue paper for bulk cleanup, then double down with a wet cloth wipe. We put a stack for a couple days in water in a bowl on the changing table and call it a day. I throw them in the wash with the diapers (warm, short wash with tiny bit of detergent, then king heavy duty wash with detergent).
@dobsonsdogs Love them, we cloth diaper so the cleaning is part of that. We use the birdseye wipes from green mountain diaper, and a Thirsties pail liner. Wash every second or third day. I just fold them in squares and put in an old glass Tupperware and get them wet.
@dobsonsdogs I loved cloth wipes- still have them for snot when the plague has hit us! I used the peri spray bottle (from the hospital) with tap water to either wet the wipe or spray a butt. When I got really bad smooshed poops I would do an initial wipe with disposable wipes and finish with cloth. My husband didn’t like the cloth wipes, our compromise was keeping disposable wipes for him. It can be done, but it is good to have an agreed upon plan with your childcare partner too.
@dobsonsdogs I bought the cheeky wipes kit, it’s cloth wipes + a clean and a dirty box to store them. They also sell essential oils mixes for each containers. I used it in the beginning with my daughter and found the system pretty practical BUT the wipes were not soft and I found the oils too intense.
I used the wipes for face/hand cleaning in the end and I still use it to this day.
I recently bought a dryer and now the wipes are really soft so I would try again if I have a second kiddo.