Anyone else’s baby fit into smaller age size in clothes?


New member
Sorry, didn’t know how to word it but my 3 month old still fits into clothes that say “up to 1 month” and I’m quite confused by this. I see many posts where kids are too big but not where they’re too small so is this normal? Does it mean she’s smaller than her peers? The health visitor didn’t mention anything about her size but I’m 5’6 and her dads 5’5 so maybe she’s just small or is it normal for clothes to be so confusing? It’s making it hard because lots of her 0-3 month clothes are huge so I’m not sure how long she will fit into the “up to one month” clothes so buying things is always a gamble lol.
@netty805 We have a bitty child, and she's outgrown her 3-6 month clothes in the last few weeks (she's almost nine months now). If you have her measurements, you can pop them into the WHO's calculator if you're curious. Babies are all built differently, so clothes fit differently, just like different diaper brands work for different children. As long as her health team is satisfied with her growth, I wouldn't panic.
@colour My daughter’s PreK BFF is 5 weeks apart from her in age and still wears 18-24 months clothes while she’s in 4T! There’s just a big variation in kid’s sizes and it won’t always match up with the age. My daughter is 80th+ percentile in height while her friend is 15th percentile.
@netty805 Baby clothing sizes are as variable as adult clothing. My son had one NB onesie he fit into until 6 months. He's 11 months and some of his 6 month pants still fit, whereas some 9 month onesies are too small. I would pay attention to your child's weight and height percentiles, not clothing sizes.
@hurrix Oh my gosh this!!! I was hanging up my daughter’s clothes by size and realized some of the 0-3mo sleepers are like 4 inches longer than ones the same labeled size from a different brand.
@hurrix Mine is almost 11mo, he still has 3mo diaper shuts that fit yet all the 12mo pants are too short. He's long legged and on the skinnier side, so the bigger pants don't stay up, yet he's showing calf everywhere we go.
@netty805 We have a petite child! She didn't reach 3 month size until 6 months. I remember a bunch of family members buying her cute summery 12 month stuff for her birthday, but she didn't hit 12 month until 18 months. She's almost 3 and just starting to fit 2T!

As long as your baby is healthy and gaining weight and following their growth curve, no big deal. Some kids are just smaller! Ours has stayed in the 2-7% for weight and like 15-25% for height. Neither parent is particularly small, but I was very petite as a child.
@netty805 Mine is catching up to the age of their clothes but he was in preemie clothes and some NB (the smaller ones) the first month, NB clothes from age 1-2.5 months, 0-3 month clothes now with some starting to look a bit snug at almost 4 months old.

He was born 3 weeks early on the smaller side and due to jaundice and latching issues it took him 2 weeks to get back to birth weight. We have the 4 month pediatrician appointment next week so we’ll see how his growth curve is coming along!
@netty805 Yep! Keep in mind that height/weight percentiles are just that.. there has to be 1% babies just as much as there has to be 99% babies!

My lil guy is 11 months next week and is a 1st percentile baby. He was under 15lb at his 9 month appointment. He currently wears 3-6 month onesies, but mostly because those are long sleeved. We had a warm day here today and he was wearing a 0-3 month short sleeved shirt and 3-6 month shorts (both from last summer when he was first born- he was swimming in everything and it looks like he is going to be able to wear all the cute summer clothes I bought him last year!)

If it’s financially possible, I’d recommend waiting until clothes start getting tight before buying more in a size up :) we have a bunch of clothes my mom bought him for this summer and unless he hits a growth spurt, he likely won’t fit into them until fall/winter (all short sleeves, shorts, etc., so likely won’t want him to be wearing it at that time).
@blessedandsavedbygrace I’m not sure how old yours is, but around the 6 month mark, my anxiety about him being little went away. Before that my heart would hurt every time a stranger commented on how little he is. Now it’s just who he is :)
@netty805 Totally, and I don’t even have a small child. Some brands run wildly large. Mine is 5 months 90th percentile for height and literally just grew out of 0-3 Burt’s bees sleepers. Cloud Island bodysuits still fitting fine in the 3 month size. Meanwhile, her Carters size 6 pants have all become clam diggers.
@netty805 My baby was in newborn clothes until 2.5 months and she’s 5 months tomorrow and still in 0-3. It’s easier to go off the weight limits for clothes than the months cause those aren’t going to be right for every baby. If she’s steadily gaining weight and doctors aren’t concerned I wouldn’t worry about it!
@plimer_billo This is where mine was - started too small for premie clothes (healthy and full term) but between 6-9 months she caught up and is now in the 75th percentile. Babies grow at different rates!