Anyone else’s baby fit into smaller age size in clothes?

@netty805 Yep! Our baby is 20 months olds and still wears 6-12months in shorts because the other sizes are too big on his tummy and fall off. As he gets older I’m having to alter all of his shorts and pants for the waist size.
@netty805 Not sure how it is in the UK (assuming that's where you are by the use of the term health visitor) but here in Canada they typically tell you what percentile your baby is for height and weight after every measurement, from 1st to 99th percentile (although some babies do fall outside that range). Babies can come in all shapes and sizes, so typically it's not important that they are always "average". Most doctors here pay attention to whether they are following their own curve over time.
@netty805 If your baby is much under the 50% percentile in either weight or height usually that means they can often fit in slightly smaller sizes for their age.
My baby is below 50% for weight but above it for height which means that he grows out of clothes lengthwise but can still fit into smaller age clothes girth wise 😂
@netty805 Kids come in different sizes. Mine is small in both weight and height. Seeing other kids his age…it’s shocking.

But also keep in mind — baby clothes don’t come in standard sizing. I had packed two outfits by different brands both saying they were Newborn…one fit properly and the other my baby didn’t grow into until he was 3mo.
@netty805 I think remember seeing someone link a sub for small kids/babies, but I can’t find it. If you can track it down, you might find some good recommendations there.
@netty805 My LO is on the small side too based on the growth chart data. He's 4 months and we just switched to 6 month clothing. The sizing is just an estimate of what age a good portion of babies will be that size. But basically, since babies are all so different and grow so much, it seems very rare that clothes fit any baby really well, and if they do, it's only for a short time. But also... it took me a while to realize that 0-3 month size clothing is equivalent to 3 month size clothing. We got a bunch of hand-me-down stuff and I thought the sizing went preemie, newborn, 0-3 month, 3 month, 3-6 month, then 6 month, etc. Oops!
@netty805 My daughter is turning 6 months. She is still in 0 to 3 months. The only reason we would get kicked off to a larger size is because of her length. A lot of these clothes are still big on her. She was very small 6 pounds and dropped to 5 lbs. 4 oz. when we brought her home.
@netty805 My 2 year old can still fit into some of her 12m clothes, and routinely wears 18m size. She always been between 80-95% + percentile for height but around 20-30% for weight, so she’s tall and skinny like her dad was as a kid. She’s been on this growth curve since about 3 months so the pediatrician isn’t concerned, this is just her body type. Age based sizing means lots of kids will wear clothes “meant for” much older or younger kids.
@netty805 Baby clothes sizes are such a crapshoot. Our daughter is 5 months old and is measuring in the 50th percentile for everything. She can wear bamboo onesies that are 0-3 months and some stuff she’s wearing 6-9 months. I try to not pay too much attention to it 🤷🏻‍♀️
@netty805 Honestly baby clothes sizes just vary wildly by brand. My little girl is 5 days shy of 8 months and still fits in 99% of 3-6 months clothing as 6-9 is a still baggy and long on her but she’s 18 pounds and isn’t considered a petite baby.
@netty805 My 17 month old (I know, quite a bit older) is still in 9-12 tops and trousers. Her body is slightly longer proportionally, so she is in 12-18 vests now. She was born about 25%, is now below 2%, but apparently doing fine according to health visitor and nurse.
@netty805 Yes. My baby (10w now) was 6lbs 2oz at birth and was under 6lbs when we left the hospital. She fit “newborn” clothes until she was 5-6 weeks. And some brands of the 0-3months clothes are way too big, but in some brands she’s almost too big for the 0-3 size.

We look to the weight and height guidelines more so than the month sizing.

But you should ask the doctor about your baby’s growth chart and curve. And you might be able to ask what percentile she is in. For example, our baby is around the 15 percentile so she is small for her age, but she’s growing along the expected curve.
@netty805 My 7 month old still fits into 0-3 sweaters and like… two onesies, she’s legitimately wearing anywhere from 3-9 months clothes lol. She finally hit 14 lbs last week, She’s just tiny. As long as LO is eating and growing, that’s all that matters.
@netty805 Each baby is different, as is each brand! My 12 month old fits into 6-9m while my first always fit in his age range. As long as they’re still on track with their growth curve and DR is happy I wouldn’t worry too much