What are the most common unsolicited comments you receive when out with multiples?

@safehands I hear you, our twins and our third are 9 months apart. 19 month old twins and a 2 month old baby so they don't look the same yet, but I'm sure they will soon
@coltonrc hi friend! my singleton will be 11 months when my twins are due. We are flipped but still expecting a three under one situation. any advise?
@igbokwe My advice would be to figure out your support system now. Who can you phone in to help out when you need to? Also, Make sure your boundaries are established. We have a "no passing the baby around" rule that we have had to be very stern about, for example. Save money now. My wife had to stop working because we would literally be paying more than her whole paycheck for daycare. And of course, the sleep. If you think you missed sleep with your first baby, the twins will blow that out of the water. Everyone says "sleep when baby sleeps" but they don't mention the part where when baby A falls asleep baby B will wake up. When my twins came home I was getting about 10-20 minutes of sleep per day on average. There were days I just didn't sleep at all. Good luck, and remember that it does get easier over time
@safehands I have a daughter and son who are 21 months apart. I've been asked if they're twins SO many times. Can only imagine what it's going to be like once I actually have twins, lol. I was joking with a friend earlier that I don't need to waste time thinking about what they'll look like because they'll probably share their brother and sister's distinct characteristics-- but wouldn't it be funny if we have one who looks just like their siblings (curly blond hair and blue eyes) and one who's more olive-skinned and with darker hair? That'd get people.
@coltonrc I have fraternal boys who are 2.5yo- one has red hair, one is brunette. They are extremely different. People ask me all the time if they are twins- or even if they are both mine!!!
@andrewmc1992 When I went to our first ultrasound and found out we were having twins (hubby wasn't allowed in due to COVID restrictions) so I called him and told him we got the BOGO sale and he was like "what"? I had to tell him three times there were two babies before I think it even started to sink in. He just kept saying, "what" and I finally went, "yeah, say that about 10 more times and you'll be where I'm at, now can you drive over here? They're going to sneak you in the back!"

Luckily no NICU stay, but still double the bills!
@nihal I used to reply “Full of love!” Now I say “Very!” and make an exaggerated brow-mopping motion. We all laugh and it lightens my day, haha.
@nihal “My kids were Irish twins” or some equivalent statement that attempts to compare us.

I’m just going about my day, I’m not comparing my life to anyone else’s. Why do people do this?
@nihal “A boy and girl! How perfect, you’re done now!”

Always bizarre to me that people think just because there’s one of each, you’re done having children? Or as if I wouldn’t be happy with two boys or two girls?
@honeybeezzz I had a similar experience as a FTM where someone said "oh twins! You have an instant family now."
  1. People don't need children to be a family. 2. You can have 1 child and have a family.
I believe people don't think before they speak.