7 Weeks PP and ready for the 2nd


New member
Am I the only one? This is my first and all through pregnancy I was sooo ready for it to be over but now I miss feeling my LO kick in my belly so much.

The first few weeks were definitely challenging but now we’re in a pretty good place and every time I think about getting pregnant again I get SO excited.

I would love for my kids to be close in age but I don’t think it would be financially responsible of us to try again so soon and I do want to cherish this time with my little guy and let him have the attention for a little while.

I’m thinking it’s probably just the residual hormones making me feel this way because I’ve always thought I’d want to wait at least 2 years for our 2nd!
@pdpayne2023 Not gonna lie, I am seriously missing pregnancy and that’s something I never thought I’d say. My pregnancy was fairly easy until it wasn’t and labor was seriously traumatizing. Everyone told me after I’d given birth that I would forget what I went through; I didn’t believe them but here I am 5 weeks later, contemplating #2! Definitely not considering anything anytime soon but it’s fun to imagine for the time being!
@jim35215 Yes same! I had gestational diabetes and it was AWFUL, I hated it. I also had prodromal labor which was painful and annoying and horrible pelvic pain. My labor wasn’t necessarily awful but I remember thinking during and after “I will NEVER do this again”….. and now here I am, totally ready to do it again🤣
@pdpayne2023 I got hit with preeclampsia at my 36 week appt (ironically also my first day of maternity leave) and was induced at 37 weeks. The induction was the most horrific, painful thing I have ever endured and I swear to god, it’s the one thing really holding me back from committing 100% to another child.
@timin I felt the same as OP & now that we're in the later part of 3 months old... I am rethinking my decision 😅 because of sleep regression. BUT, otherwise, I'd do it all again in a heartbeat 💓
@pdpayne2023 I can’t imagine starting the NB stage over & I’m fully ready to get the ball rolling on #2

We’re an IVF family and I’m going to reach out to my nurse at the end of the year to see what the next steps are
@david03 I want to so bad!!! The only reason I’m holding back is bc I’m starting with a new company and if I stay with them for a year I can get 12 weeks of paid leave. Sooo I might just try to get pregnant again to where I give birth right after that 1 year mark 😂 I’m scheduled to get the nexplanon bar in my arm next week and I’m soo close to canceling it bc I don’t think I’m going to want to wait the whole three years but I guess I could always just ask them to take it out early when I’m ready to try again.