7 Weeks PP and ready for the 2nd

@pdpayne2023 This is why I had my tubes removed after my second. I knew the tricks my body would play on me, only remembering the good parts of pregnancy and focusing on being so in love with my growing baby. My two are 16 months apart, and it’s working for us, but it’s not for everyone.
@pdpayne2023 Being pregnant is while having to take care of a baby or toddler is a whole different experience and then it’s crazy with a newborn and toddler and trying to coordinate both of their naps
@pdpayne2023 Currently almost 7 weeks PP and I felt that way right after giving birth lol. I was fortunate enough to have a healthy pregnancy and a fast labor so I figured if the second one could be the same, then I want to do it again. Tbf I feel some urgency because I’m almost 36 and I want my LO to have at least 1 sibling.
@pdpayne2023 My husband was in his home country when my first was born and I messaged him when she was literally 3 days old saying I couldn't wait to have another baby with him (she's not biologically his and I wanted to give him one). I ended up getting pregnant 10 months pp and so far this age gap is great. My toddler loves the newborn and gives her kisses all day long.
@pdpayne2023 Still 37w but I have also been thinking that I will miss feeling the baby kick. Glad to now I'm not the only one! Current plan is to wait 18m after to start trying for #2 since that seems to be the amount of time frequently cited for your body to full recover from childbirth. Might start "not trying, not preventing" after a year depending on how birth goes, what my midwife recommends, and how we are feeling.
@pdpayne2023 10 weeks out from my c section and my husband and I already talked future plans for the next one. I had a relatively easy pregnancy and recovery, a really sweet and chill baby, and an easier breastfeeding journey than most. I just know in my heart the next one will be way more difficult, but I'm not getting any younger and I want my kiddos to be close together! The newborn days went by so fast but they were so precious.
@pdpayne2023 Part of me misses being pregnant.

But as someone who loves sleep, I look at my gorgeous 7 month old and am not sure I even want a second 😂 (she sleeps through the night, I am just a very tired person haha)
@pdpayne2023 10 weeks PP but knew I was ready by 2 weeks PP. Things have been hard at different points and I had a very traumatic birth but damn I loved being pregnant and really want my LO to have a sibling lol
@pdpayne2023 I’m the same, my pregnancy was really enjoyable and relatively easy for the most part, easy birth and the most perfect little baby who is now almost 4 months told and I’m already missing the newborn phase and wanting another like immediately 😂 praise to the people who choose to wait years between having kids, I could never 😅
@rosie4 We are very lucky! Our dude has had issues with bad gas from the start but we pretty quickly realized that’s what it was & learned some techniques to help him get it out. And he doesn’t suffer from reflux as long as we hold him upright for 20 min after eating. He still has his bad days, like if I accidentally have too much dairy or something but for the most part he’s been a very chill baby knocking on wood lol
@pdpayne2023 3.5 months PP I haven't stopped missing being pregnant for one second. I struggled with it the first month. I immediately would have gotten pregnant again. I LOVED being pregnant. It was so easy for me and I was gorgeous and didn't gain any weight except in the belly. It was the perfect pregnancy. I wish more than anything I could just stay pregnant but never have to have the LO haha.
@pdpayne2023 I miss the kicks and stuff too but not only is the newborn stage KILLING me but my delivery wasn’t smooth at all and I’m mildly traumatized. Pregnancy was really easy for me.
@pdpayne2023 Every single day, I thank god I am not pregnant. My pregnancy was the most uncomfortable 9 months of my life. Like being tortured for 9 months. He was our second and I am 200% DONE.