7 Weeks PP and ready for the 2nd

@pdpayne2023 I'd love to have another baby but it would be very irresponsible of me to do that. I am almost 11 weeks PP. My baby is going to be like an only child even though she has two older siblings but there's a 20 and 22 year age gap. I'm 45 years old so having another baby is out of the question.
@pdpayne2023 Definitely give it some time. I think I felt similarly at 7 weeks; some of the harder aspects haven't kicked in yet (sleep regressions, teething, baby will need WAY more attention and entertainment soon, mobility etc) I WILDLY missed my pregnancy almost as soon as i had the baby, and was desperate to go again. Now I have a 7 month old.... Not so much; I just simply don't know how I am going to split my already overstretched time and energy.
@pdpayne2023 I feel you. My LO is 3 months old, and I have wanted a second one since the newborn phase. I am 38 years old. I had a textbook pregnancy, and labor was super easy (looking back). I only pushed for an hour and 20 minutes. I was induced at 39 + 4.
@pdpayne2023 OMG yea I’m going through the exact same
And felt awful my whole pregnancy but now feel jealous of pregnant people and I miss her little kicks in my tummy
@pdpayne2023 Personally, I think it’s a bit selfish to have another baby while your baby is still so young and growing. You should give them the opportunity to receive all of your love and care before you consider having another baby. You haven’t even dealt with the hard times of infancy, such as sleep regression, teething, etc. Not to mention how expensive it is to have one baby, let alone two. You haven’t even given your body a chance to heal and if you breast feed, that can cause issues with milk supply. But idk, that’s just my opinion. 🤷🏻‍♀️
@csotoloco That is your opinion, and a pretty crappy one at that! There are plenty of moms who have gotten pregnant soon after giving birth and they’ve been amazing moms and are still able to give their kids all their love and attention even if it is difficult. Regardless, if you’d actually read my post and comments, I spoke about how it’s not feasible for us right now because I’m starting with a new company and I’d like to give my baby my full attention while he’s young. I was just expressing that I miss pregnancy and while I DO want another one, I know it’s not a smart decision for me right now. HOWEVER, if someone else chooses to do so because they are in a good place to do so, that is their decision and that’s totally okay. Yes, this age is special and very hard and they need a lot of attention so being pregnant/having another newborn would be very challenging- but every age js special and challenging in its own way. If we recognize that argument as valid, then we’d have to say that having a second child at all is selfish no matter what age the first is, which is ridiculous. Some people are able to do it and do it well. It’s not your place to say something is selfish just because you don’t think YOU could do it.
@pdpayne2023 Maybe you should spend less time on Reddit and missing being pregnant, and instead, focus on the baby you currently have. My opinion is my opinion. Good luck lmaoooo
@csotoloco Jesus christ what crawled up your ass and made a bed?? 💀 I take great care of my baby and your opinion sucks. I don’t need luck from a sorry asshole when I’m already a good mom. Thanks though!
@xr How does this relate to what I said? Purposely having another child while your’s is so young vs. having twins is not the same. Idk if you know this, but twins are born at the same time. But to consider having another baby, when the baby is only 7 weeks old is ridiculous. A baby is only a baby once in their lives and it should be a special time for them.
@csotoloco I was just curious about what you’re saying there’s no reason to be rude. You’re comment made it sound like you are not able to give a baby “All your love and care” if you have another child. So what happens if there’s two? I believe you can give them both and would be able to with another child. Perhaps I am misunderstanding your comment.