7 Weeks PP and ready for the 2nd

@pdpayne2023 I totally feel you! It's a shame that we have to alter our life plans because of work.

I've had nexplanon, and I loved it. That being said, the better idea might be to get the copper IUD! I switched to that a year prior to TTC because you will not have to wait for your hormones to normalize prior to conceiving. You retain your normal periods and can safely get pregnant immediately after having the copper iud removed.
@david03 I’m just so terrified of IUDs bc I’ve heard how bad the insertion/removal can hurt 😬 & my doctor said with the bar I can continue breastfeeding and shouldn’t have any problems TTC immediately after taking it out, but maybe some people have? Idk I had it for 6 years before I got pregnant and was only off of it for a couple of months. We weren’t trying to get pregnant, I had just switched pills and didn’t wait the right amount of time like I should have so we got a surprise baby!
@sylivesteralmas I did gain some weight but a lot of that was because I graduated high school and stopped working out through sports. The majority of my weight gain was actually when I got off of it and got on the pill. I had the side effect of bleeding for several weeks straight but then it stopped, I had regular periods and then like after a few months I would only bleed lightly for 1-2 days. Other than that, no side effects!
@david03 yes 🫠 I had a MISERABLE pregnancy but I was in a room full of babies yesterday (including my own) and I had BAD baby fever. The fact my 8w old is an angel probably aides in that.
@david03 Yep. My doctor prescribed me some birth control pills at my six week appointment but I never picked them up. I’m 12 weeks PP now. My husband and I are just letting fate take its course 🤣🤣
@pdpayne2023 Oh love. You really don’t know yet. Hormones are wild for 2 years pp and you will have all kinds of days including baby fever days and “never again” days.

My baby is 11 months today and I don’t think I can do this again to be honest but I wish I could. Maybe if I would know for certain that I would have MUCH more support from my husband I would consider again, but so far it’s just too hard and too much and Im not even back at work yet.
@wolfgang85 Having a supportive partner makes all the difference! My husband is all in, he works 12 hours 3 days a week and the other 4 days he’s home with baby and is the most amazing father. I definitely wouldn’t be able to do it without him!
@padraig2003 I’m hoping my baby is one of the miracle babies that doesn’t go through sleep regressions since my MIL said her two never did.. 😂 Probably just wishful thinking though. I’m sure my tune will change at that point lol
@pdpayne2023 I agree! I had such a terrible pregnancy, was constantly sick and had to be on medications for it up until 33 weeks. I ended up having an emergency C-section at 36 weeks, as my water broke early. Even though I had the worst pregnancy, I felt like I couldn’t enjoy it due to all my symptoms. All I can think about now though is having another baby. I miss being pregnant sooo much, and would love the chance to relive it again so I can hopefully enjoy it a bit more.