6 weeks postpartum… I’m exhausted.

@tedstriker76 “He’s also very sensitive and needs his sleep to function”

lol… doesn’t every adult need sleep to function including you? He needs to step up immediately. No more coddling your husband.

Parenting is 50/50. 9-5 sure he works his job and you care for the kids. But outside of those hours, it’s all 50/50.
@tedstriker76 The amount of excuses y’all make for grown able bodied men on here is exhausting and makes me want to leave this sub. The obvious solution is that he needs to get his lazy un empathetic ass up and help you. You’re not meant to do this alone!!
@tedstriker76 My daughter had a shallow latch and a nipple shield helped immensely. We used it for a couple of months until her mouth was bigger and then one day she just didn’t need it anymore! Not sure if that would be helpful to you, but there’s nothing worse than the pain of a shallow latch!

Also, get your husband to help!!! If you’re providing the milk then he can change the diapers.
@tyronebishop Upvote for nipple shields! Both of my daughters have had shallow latches. Let me share the wisdom I gained after $500+ spent on various lactation consultants (and countless hours with free community resources): some babies have small/strange shaped mouths and your nipple will get beat up even if they have the correct form, “deep” latch, good suction, no tongue/lip ties.

My most recent lactation consultant (I’m two weeks postpartum) said “wow I can tell you’ve done this before, everything looks perfect, what’s the issue?” before I unlatched and showed her my squished nipple.

So, use that nipple shield if it makes things more comfortable! In the end, fed is best.

Also agreed that OP’s husband sounds like a third child.
@tedstriker76 Make your life easier by giving formula? I've never liked breastfeeding and I'm done with it after 4 months. I started weaning and giving formula and I'm so much happier and feel like a weight has been lifted.
@tedstriker76 Everyone needs sleep to function. Waking up to care for a child is a part of parenting. If it was me, I'd hand off the monitor and let your husband sort out caring for the toddler in the middle of the night. There are lots of husbands that do one or more middle of the night feedings with infants and still work full time jobs.
@tedstriker76 I'm only a few days out but the latch issues are incredibly stressful. While I agree with others that your husband SHOULD be stepping it up, his actions are outside of your control. Is switching to formula an option at this point? I know it's a last resort but you've seemingly done everything you can to make breastfeeding work and you deserve to protect your sanity.

For what it's worth, it sounds like you're an excellent mom. I hope you can find support soon.