~34 weeks and noticed DR


New member
As the titles says, I’m 34 weeks pregnant tomorrow and have noticed some ab separation above my belly button that appears to be increasing in height. I’m really frustrated because I’ve been mindful of coning and doming during my pregnancy and don’t even have that large of a bump (I’m 6’0” so a lot of room in my torso evidently). I know some is normal due to the nature of pregnancy but it still is alarming.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to support the separation that’s happened thus far and hopefully not see it get worse before I deliver?
@carlett My doula said that ab separation is normal, and you don’t really know if you have DR until you’re postpartum. If you have been mindful of coning and modifying exercises, it’s likely just normal separation. You won’t know until after the fact + recovery time.
@outofplace_christian I was going to comment the same. I’m 28+2 and have been seeing a pelvic floor PT monthly who measures my DR. At my last appointment it was naturally a little bigger than the month before, which she reassured me is normal, the trick being to not do things that exacerbate it.
@carlett There’s really nothing much to be done until PP, so try not to obsess over it.

KT tape has some YouTube tutorials but I don’t pretend to know if it actually helps or just alleviated a little pressure. Maybe try that.

I’d suggest working on supporting muscles so PP can go smoother. Glutes, back, and deep breathing are what I worked on and PP with number three has been the easiest recovery yet.

DR will also tend to heal a lot of it by itself during the PP period. I went from 2.5 to 1.5 in the first 8wks (my own measurement so again there could be error in it). Now exactly 10wks PP, it’s down to less than 1. I did deep breathing and found a couple DR-specific recovery workouts on YouTube that really helped focus my breathing and to be intentional during the day about posture and breathing.
@carlett Some ab separation is normal and necessary during pregnancy. I had a big bump and lots of ab separation even early on (I think already starting at week 18 or 20). I'm 15 weeks postpartum and except for a tiny bit around my belly button everything is back to normal and I expect the rest to come together in the next couple of weeks. You will likely get some more separation before you deliver but I really wouldn't worry too much about it. I'm in Europe and insurance covers pelvic floor PT which I definitely recommend. Activating and strengthening your transverse abs will help to prevent more separation than necessary and help things come back together.
@mrsbi Yeah, I noticed way more coning early in pregnancy than I do now (34 weeks)—the only change is I do a lot of transverse abs stuff 4x a week. Mostly belly breaths. At the beginning I couldn’t even do bird dogs without coming and now I can do incline planks!

@carlett I noticed around the same time. Immediately started to be more aware of how I was sitting up/getting up and trying to not engage my abs in a crunch motion when moving. I ask my husband to help pull me up more often so I'm not engaging my abs in the way that could make it worse. Then I asked my doctor at my next appt. (35 weeks) She had me move a certain way to check, said it wasn't very much/the normal amount for how far along I am. She approved me doing bear planks, which I do for 10-15 seconds once or twice, and cat without cow yoga moves, 10-15 in a set, 2-3 sets, 3-4 times per week. I suggested the moves and those amounts are based on my ability. Knowing it's normal and I only have a few more weeks has me not worrying about it.