3 weeks of no diapers and STILL haven’t made it to the bathroom for poop

@drawingangel2 Mine didn’t poop in the toilet until she was 4.5 after I told her I would immediately take her out to buy her whatever toy she wants. Bribery worked she poops in the toilet all the time now. She used to only poop on the tiny bjorn potty which was exhausting to clean daily
@drawingangel2 As a mom who is struggling with pee accidents with an older child, I might suggest making sure your kid isn't constipated (drink plenty of fluids, get enough fiber in her diet) and try encouraging going potty after a bath. The thought being a warm bath can relax muscles to make it easier to go. We had constipation issues for a very, very long time but I've read poop accidents may be related to constipation.
@drawingangel2 With my 3yo, he has really cool toys he can only use on the potty - a light up paw patrol steering wheel makes vroom noises and I let him use my Switch for short periods (restaurant, potty, bribes).

A combination of super cool special potty toys to keep him there plus figuring out the “right times” of day to try have him 💩 in the potty most days.

He doesn’t have any aversion to pooping in the potty though.. it’s more of a fomo issue.

He also has a prize box he can pick from on days he doesn’t have accidents. It’s dollar store toys, individual hot wheels, lollipops, play dough, bubbles, and temporary tattoos.

I tried the one M&M thing thinking instant rewards were better and he was completely nonplussed.. guess they’re all wired differently lol.
@drawingangel2 I had a giant target bag filled with a giant box of play doh, one of her favorite things. Once she was sitting on the big toilet and she wouldn’t go even though I knew she had to. I went into the closet and got the bag, showed her the bag and shook it and said “once you poop in the potty I will give you this giant present in this bag.” She couldn’t stand the suspense. Pooped immediately and got the prize. Has been pooping in there ever since.

Bribery all the way.
@drawingangel2 I had been offering my son lollipops for 💩 in the potty, but it wasn’t until I offered him a cinnamon roll that he actually did it haha. But that wasn’t until 2 months into potty training. Before that he’d just hold it until he had a pull up on for nap or bedtime.
@drawingangel2 My oldest had some trauma around poop due to several blood transfusions. He would hold in his poop till he was constipated and we had to go to the doctor.

We saw a specialist who suggested giving my son a big reward ONLY when he pooped in the potty. We found zebra cakes, big cookies, ice cream sandwiches, and brownies to be big hits. We bought them with him and told him he could only have one if he pooped in the potty. As soon as he, pooped in the potty he got his “poop treat.” We only needed about 3 months of that to re wire his brain into not being afraid of poop. Then we moved to an occasionally treat for poop, eventually we fazed it out completely.
@drawingangel2 Congratulations on peeing in the potty! Potty training my 3 year old was literally the first time I had fun as a parent. That sounds sad and horrible, but my daughter was SO difficult in every single aspect and I cried every single day for so long. But potty training was awesome. What we did was the stay-at-home-naked potty training. She was just naked for an entire week straight, and we kept a toddler potty in the living room. She pooped on the floor quite a few times, and each time I would say "oh no! Poop doesn't go on the floor, it goes in the potty!" And I would scoop it up with toilet paper and have her watch me flush it, she thought it was awesome. Then I would have her sit on the potty where I would wipe her butt and flush the TP. We also jammed to "poop in the potty" by poop Smith on YouTube every day. It's absolutely hilarious and we still sing it sometimes, 4 years later, haha. Best of luck! My biggest suggestion is to keep it a positive transition without punishment. If they need a correction, give it clearly but with a positive tone. 👍👍
@drawingangel2 Does your kid tend to poop at a similar time during the day? My kids tended to be after breakfast poopers, and they also tend to pull a very funny “blank” face that sort of gives them away
@drawingangel2 Making them clean up their undies and whatnot is another trick alot of people use. Just as you're tired of cleaning poop undies they will be too! It also creates a natural non punishment association.
@noscentia That’s how we got my son to stop pooping in his underwear. We taught him how to clean them properly and put them in the dirty clothes. He got tired of cleaning them after like 3 days and started pooping in the toilet.
@drawingangel2 I had this issue with my daughter. It all started after she caught me flushing her dead fish down the toilet. (As dumb as that sounds). She would hold it, or even go as far as to put a pull up on herself and go hide somewhere. We tried everything. One day it just clicked.
@drawingangel2 Poop training definitely is a different beast from peeing, especially since it takes different muscles and more effort to poo. Have you tried timing when your child poops? If you can establish the times of day your daughter poops, you can put her on the potty around those general times. We did that with my son and found he actually went poop only once a day (at that time) and it was typically right before dinner, so that’s when we started heading to his little potty (we also used the training potty for poops so he had a better angle with sitting for easier poops-once he got it down, we transitioned to the regular toilet).
@drawingangel2 Hang in there. We were in underwear and pee trained in October. We JUST started pooping in the toilet end March/early April. The dirty underwear is no joke so you have my sympathy.
@drawingangel2 My son went through weeks and weeks and weeks of the same exact thing. One day it literally just clicked!! You sound just like me with everything you’ve been trying! It literally just clicked one random morning and he’s been fully trained day/night/poops for a month and a half now at 3.5yrs old!