3-6 months - What’s next?

@benvi85 My LO is 5.5 months (4.5 months adjusted age). Every day is better than the last, IMO. New skills mean new cuteness and new fun. Also they start to sleep through the night around 4 months which is a game changer. Enjoy it!
@benvi85 I wish someone would have told me that your baby will learn to associate sleep with something. For me it’s nursing to sleep and contact naps/sleeps. And it’s hard to stop. Start putting the baby in the crib with a routine.

My babes starting crawling at 5 months, standing at 6 months babling at 6.5 months. Once they start moving it’s a different type of exhaustion

Naps become more predictable Same with sleep at night. 3/2 naps and 12 hour nights. Baby’s wake windows will start to feel longer. For me 2.5-4 hours at 6.

At 4 months they show a lot more personality and are happy and you can make the laugh and smile 😊

Also not to buy to many clothes (personally) Barely wore 3m Outgrew 6 month very fast. Now 9m in pants don’t fit at 6 month
@benvi85 The next few months are all about developing a rhythm with sleep, and gross motor skill development (lots of tummy time is recommended). Start reading about baby led weaning… feeding is about to kick your ass starting at the 6 month mark.
@benvi85 Yes that’s what I meant sorry. Allergen introductions, avoiding choking hazards, exposing to different textures and tastes, we ended up cooking entirely separate meals for the baby… some manage to not do that somehow but for us it was the most practical solution to get her to eat. Eating is relatively straightforward in the first 6 months (although it might not seem that way)… just milk. When you start going into solids it becomes a lot more complicated and annoying. But it’s important to attack it head on so you don’t have a picky eater by the 12 month mark when you have to wean off milk.
@benvi85 Don't be surprised if a tooth starts coming in soon. My lo has 2 almost 3 by 6 months. Some don't get teeth till later but you might start getting one soon!
@benvi85 Welcome to peak baby! It’s an awesome time. Ours are almost 6 months and I can easily say these last 3ish months have been the most amazing. Each month better than the last!

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