1 year and a half in - sleep is impossible

@dayspringadelusi At 4 until 6 months ours went from a great sleeper to a terrible sleeper. Waking up every 30 minutes to an hour and only being able to sleep when I tried it. She didn't allow my wife to put her to bed. Started reading the free articles from taking Cara babies. That helped turn her into a great sleeper again in three weeks. I am so thankful I found that site!
@dayspringadelusi New dad of a 4 week old here. Our baby fights sleeping so hard. He slept for maybe an hour and a half total last night. We've tried so many things. White noise, rocking, gas drops, massaging. Nothing seems to wear him down. If he starts to doze off he quickly catches himself and squirms around and starts crying. He's just doing anything he can to stay awake.

I haven't heard of this program but I'm checking it out now. It's definitely worth it?
@jlmagee Hang in there new dad, it gets better. the first couple months are just survival mode. 4 weeks is way too young but you can start around 5-6 months.

I had a colicky one and the first four months were absolute hell. We did modified Ferber at 5 months and he’s been a champion sleeper ever since (about to be 12 months).

Edit: Snoo helped us immensely. I bought a used one off of Craigslist and deep cleaned it. It did end up having issues that I was able to disassemble + repair, so buyer beware
@fassy If your kid is still in the snoo (basinette) they are likely too young to doing any sleep training, including ferber method. Basinettes are usually used up to 3-4 months (keyword, usually). Anytime before 5 months they are too young and not developmentally mature enough for sleep training.

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