“Nobody Wants Your Kid!”

@trandraskell I was boarding a plane once and this lady was having so much trouble collapsing her stroller on the jet bridge, while holding a baby. My first offer was just to help with the stroller, unfortunately I could not get it. I then offered to hold the baby, but definitely said “only if youre ok with it” and then held the baby in her line of sight and with her closer to the door, because I can just imagine having some rando holding your baby being a little scary, even if you need the help … people are just really thoughtless sometimes.
@josephhayes This is the only time I have ever let a stranger hold my baby. On a plane trying to get situated to get off the plane the woman riding next to me was so kind and helped me out. Other then that heck no and definitely wouldn’t let a stranger watch my baby.
@trandraskell Big nope and the fact they got defensive about it is even weirder in my opinion. I don’t know why people see other’s children and try to get so involved. Your friend was right for sure.
@katrina2017 Right? It's like she was negging her. "no one wants your kid - especially not me, I take care of tons of children. Your kid isn't even that special. C'mon, just leave her here with me." OP's friend shouldn't feel bad at all, she should feel validated that she didn't say yes.
@trandraskell No, this is weird.

stranger watch your baby?

No way. That said, I feel like there’s an unspoken rule at playgrounds where a parent of multiples can kinda wander off briefly to corral one kid and the other parents will keep a general eye out for the other kid. But outside of those very specific circumstances? it’s a hard no.
@trandraskell My first thought is - "That is exactly what a baby snatcher would say!" Your friend is right to be cautious of strangers. Your "village" is made up of people you know and who have a connection to you and baby. This lady sounds way too insistent.
@trandraskell Years ago when my daughter was under a year old, she was fussing in her stroller in the drugstore line. I was standing in front of the stroller trying to check out but also trying to console her too. I’m sure it looked like I was ignoring her but I wasn’t and was just trying to get us out of there.

The woman behind me in line had the audacity to start wheeling the stroller away from the line. I grabbed onto the stroller quickly so she didn’t get far. She snapped at me too and was super offended “because she was just trying to help”

But it had me raging angry. WHO DOES THAT?! It was also right by the doors to exit so even more alarm bells. I definitely told her to fuck off, left my transaction and just went home because I was so unnerved from it .
@jesusforall You go, mama! That was completely unnecessary and out of line for her. Would I smile at your daughter and maybe chat to try to calm her down? Maybe, if I could read mama’s body language to see if it’d be ok. Would I WHEEL HER STROLLER AWAY? HECK NO!!
@trandraskell Bruh. No one is entitled to hold your baby. TF? I'm so sorry to anyone who has experienced this. I have no chill personally. Grandpa doesn't get to hold baby much, and I had no qualms pulling her from her great aunt's (by marriage) arms so he could hold her lmao.
@trandraskell The woman’s reaction to J saying no makes me think she’s a baby snatcher. I’m not saying that she IS a baby snatcher, but damn that’s exactly something a baby snatcher would say.

I wouldn’t let a random stranger watch my baby and I don’t know anyone who would.
@trandraskell Why the actual f*** would J ever agree to have a random stranger in a waiting room watch her child while she went to an appontment?!?

Your friend was completely right to be weirded out. That woman sounds nuts.
@dspeters5 That’s what I’m saying! Apparently her husband was weird when she told him for her “being rude” because he assumes the lady was just “trying to be the village” but that’s not how you be the village in my opinion.