Your honesty please! FRER progression and stalling tests?


New member
Hi! I’d love your thoughts on my line progression please.

I’ve posted it here and would be super grateful if you could take a look.

I’ve noticed my tests look to have somewhat stalled, and on some tests even look a little lighter.

Seeing others get their dye stealers around 15/16/17 DPO makes me a little nervous as I feel like I’m not seeing much progress.

A part of me does think I am testing way too often and leaving little room to see any drastic changes - but I can’t help it!
  1. Does my progression look okay to you or like it’s stalled?
  2. Anyone experienced stalling or fluctuating FRER tests? How did it work out for you?
  3. Are you seeing what I’m seeing or do I need to put the tests down and step away 🙃
To add, I am in the UK so testing HCG is not an option for me right now as they aren’t done routinely.

Thank you…a very nervous girl!
@renwei My tests looked a lot like that and everything was fine! I had to stop testing. I found the FRER’s dye content to be all over the place. I think it’s time to stop testing in the evening (I know, easier said than done). Congratulations! Enjoy being pregnant!
@renwei Thatt progression looks perfectly normal. HPTs are qualitative, not quantitative. They only measure if the hcg is above a certain level, not what the actual level is. The dye levels are inconsistent in the tests, and so is the amount of hcg present in urine due to so many other factors (for example, how well hydrated you are, the time of day, etc). They are only designed to say yes or no, not “how much,” if that makes sense. Not everyone gets a dye stealer for those reasons. Those last couple of tests are plenty dark and there’s no reason to keep testing at this point. You’ll just be throwing a lot of money into the trash and making yourself more nervous.

For what it’s worth, with my first pregnancy, I never got a dye stealer. That baby turned 3 this month. And with my second pregnancy, I saw a lot of variation with the line darkness on my tests (I had to remind myself more than once of the things I said above), and I’m now nearly 32 weeks with this baby and everything is fine.