Y’all, Apparently I’m drinking tea wrong…

@richking58 Similar experience at my local coffee shop. Apparently I don’t drink it right and my cup has been snatched at multiple occasions only to be presented to the more favored patron “dad”
@richking58 Oh that sounds awful. Recently I went to a place staffed completely by pranksters - all I wanted was a banana and corn soup but they kept giving me bread, pears, grapes, and other foods then laughing when I made a complaint! I wouldn't go back there but it's so close to my workplace it's practically inside the building, and the staff are pretty cute.
@richking58 I think I lucked out. My ice cream shop owner not only gives me ice cream but also adds complimentary chocolates.
When I ask him how much I owe him, he also gives me the $$ back.
Highly recommend this ice cream shop
@richking58 I love the Elsa Tea! We frequently have Anna coffee which is actually warm milk with turmeric in an espresso cup. It has been dubbed Anna coffee because we happened to be drinking it while watching Frozen and she needed to finish it before Anna did. 🤷🏻‍♀️
@richking58 Several years ago I was handed a tea cup with a shiny sausage, egg (with shell intact) and a very anemic chip inside, I asked what this monstrosity was... the server replied, in an exasperated way, that is was indeed a cup of tea... he was not professional when I began to laugh and responded by pouring the "tea" on my lap...
@richking58 What makes this so hilarious is that I was reading it without knowing what sub Reddit this was from.

Edit to add: reading the comments I see I wasn’t the only one!! 😂
@richking58 I must be in the minority, because my local café always has wonderful service! Of course, it only ever serves fruit salad (and sometimes fruit 'juice' which is really just whole fruit in a skillet, served with a knife) but the proprietor makes all the dishes by hand and is always very pleasant! In fact, he delivers right to my couch, and everything seems to be on the house!

These surprise deliveries usually are preceded by the loud declaration of "yummy snack todayyyy!" and then delicious and innovative combinations of fruits in various serving containers! The café owner also has another location (located in a preschool), and his customers there have reported some more.. 'interesting' flavor combinations. One customer reported that as the proprietor prepared her a fruit salad, he asked if she wanted fish in it. Not surprisingly she said no, but it was nice of him to ask first!
@richking58 My local restaurant is the same! I've seen the chef scratch his butt, pick his nose and then handle my food! He's even coughed all over it and just thrown it at me from the kitchen!

If I don't eat it he will try to force it into my mouth and then kick off if I continue to refuse!
@richking58 Im so sorry. I would tell you to stop going to the cafe but we do have to support irrational people.

Maybe request a lesson on how to properly drink tea from the cafe owner and compensate them with hugs and kisses if allowed.
@richking58 Our local food truck owner is really nice. When we come to order food he gives us the money to pay for it and let’s us keep the change. He almost always gives us extra free food that is off menu like French peas, grapes, and corn. Just ignore the 20 tiny toy tucks he keeps in the fridge and that he usually tastes the food before sending it out.
@richking58 At my local restaurant, the illiterate owner has started asking me to create signage with variations on "welcome to my restaurant" before I can eat. They serve literally everything, but all the food is shaped like megablocks.