Y’all, Apparently I’m drinking tea wrong…


New member
I was handed a tea cup. Unknowingly, I incorrectly grabbed it from the bottom since the cafe owner was holding the handle. This was apparently strike 1.

I then loudly slurped the “Elsa Tea” trying to demonstrate my enjoyment to the cafe owner. Strike 2.

Thinking gulping the rest of the tea in one swoop would be a better option, after all Elsa Tea is served in 1 oz cups, and I need the cafe owner to know that their tea is indeed delicious proved a fatal mistake. Strike three.

The cafe owner, in a fit of disgust, then scolded my bad manners, threw the tea set on the floor, closed the cafe.

ETA: thank you so much for the award!!! I love this sub. And so glad to know that we’ve all been going to similar franchises! We really should write corporate about the customer abuse. Although I will say the employees at least seem consistent.
@trek4fr Just stay out of r/coffee. We, cough cough, I mean THEY take coffee way too serious. Even the post rules there are stringent. Unless of course you want to fall down a rabbit hole and spend $$$$ trying to chase that perfect cup.
@richking58 Here's a sneak peek of /r/Coffee using the top posts of the year!

#1: Homebuilt Espresso Machine. I was a barista for 7 years, and am sad that I dont serve coffee anymore. I have always been a very mechanical person, therefore I obsessed over this idea for a long time. I spent the last 1 1/2 years designing, coding, and building my own machine. Hope you enjoy :) | 272 comments

#2: I hate all of you

#3: Almost exactly a year later after being diagnosed with COVID in early May 2020, my sense of smell finally has returned enough that coffee tastes/smells good again.

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@steven1234 Same! Am I supposed to know what Elsa tea is?! Who gulps hot tea and why would you need to be flagging your enjoyment so obviously?

This has made me reflect on my pretend play skills, should I be going for a more realistic interpretation of my cafe exchanges or is there some benefit to really hamming it up?
@richking58 I have the same kinds of problems with my local ice cream shop. The owner is very particular! I am only ever given chocolate ice cream, even if I ask for another flavor and can clearly see the other flavors available. The only explanation I have ever been given for this lack of service is that Bluey’s dad ordered chocolate ice cream, and so all adults eat only chocolate. Blatant profiling, if you ask me.
@twimom At least your local shop has chocolate. Mine is always out of the popular flavours, but lettuce ice cream with cheese sauce is always available. Lol
@at7ila My local shop serves all foods, but every item is secretly covered in hot sauce which is not announced until after I take a bite! Every time, it's "surprise!!! The banana has hot sauce on it!!"
@at7ila I know this post is old, but I am bursting to share what happened when I finally had time to share this with my husband (a week after reading it). I told him I wanted to read him something from r/toddlers. He looked especially appalled when I got to lettuce ice cream with cheese sauce. I reminded him this was the toddlers subreddit, and he replied quite hotly, "So? No toddler is going to want that either!"
@regularposter Hahaha that’s true, they won’t accept it, somehow they always end up with the good flavours even though there was none left for me.

They somehow have it in their heads that lettuce and cheese are healthy so that must make the ice cream healthy when we play pretend. Doesn’t matter how many times I tell them healthy is a term that varies depending on the person and that ice cream might not do much for our bodies but it does wonders for our soul.
Maybe one day they’ll believe me, otherwise I have to continue to pretend to like lettuce ice cream and say yuck to chocolate. 🤣
@twimom At our local creamery, patrons are only served after the owner, no exceptions. And you can only have 5+ scoops piled on top of each other, never one single flavor.
@twimom Urgh. Similar. Mum gets blueberry, bub gets strawberry but I just get stuck with Stinky Horsie Poo flavour everytime. I've started going further afield for mine.
@twimom I told my son once I liked strawberry ice cream. Now everything we go to the store he wants me to get it for me and he picks a different flavor for him. No thank you I don't like it that much. Hahaha. But yet he can't remember what he did at school that day. 🤔