Would you wear a personalized hat and/or shirt?

@peaceful_seeker I have a few of these items from different people.

My parents gave us all hoodies with mom/dad/kid name/kid name -never worn once. I'd rather not advertise my kids name in public....feels awkward and a bad idea with two extreme extrovert kids

My wife gave me a tshirt with Dad of all girls on it. Never wear it, mainly because I fucking hate the stereotype about dads with girls and being forced into ultra-alpha male role and cleaning shotguns etc etc.

To me she knows my style and what I wear on the weekends. It's personalized of she puts thought into the gift. I definitely would wear a personalized robe/cooking apron/etc. something not necessarily worn in public. I'd show off personalized items like a flask/decanter/grill tools, etc since I would use them relatively often or use them with small gatherings and such
@peaceful_seeker I wouldn't. However my wife did get me a personalized apron with a picture of my son and I for my first father's day. I frequently bbq, grill, and cook and I actually like aprons when cooking so this was perfect as it's a fun thing to wear while doing a "dad" activity like grilling and i only ever wear it at home.
@peaceful_seeker Dont waste your money on items. Make memories. I dont buy my kids birthday gifts. Instead, they skip school and we have a one-on-one day having a new experience. Its so much better for us.
@jls7982 We are usually memories and experience people as well. We actually have an experience planned but Father’s Day is the one time I do give him consistently give him a gift to celebrate how amazing he is and that he is breaking the chain of terrible fathers in his family.
@peaceful_seeker Hey, you do you, OP. We stopped with any gifts about a year into our relationship. Eight years and one kid on, it's honestly been one of the best things we ever did.

We get stuff—even big stuff—when we need it. Maybe it's from struggling so hard financially early in our time together—and thankfully not these days.

My first birthday as a dad was one week to the day my daughter was born last summer. I didn't want/need a thing in the universe. It's cliche but...I've got everything I need.

Avoids all this stuff.

Asked my wife, yesterday, if she's sure this first Mother's Day she doesn't want a gift. Hard no.

(A few of the baby girl's aunties decided to do an arts + crafts thing for her anyhow. I would've have let nothing happen.)
@bwattz We are usually not gift people and opt for experiences and building memories together. Father’s Day is the one time I buy him a gift and go more all out. He grew up with a terrible father (and therefore hating the Father’s Day). He has always worked hard to be different from his own father so I go all out to make the day feel different and remind him he is awesome. I also try to remind him year round that he is rocking it!
@peaceful_seeker If you’re wanting to do something like a hat. Why not get a masculine monogram of y’all’s last name or something like that. So it’s still personalized but not as (so sorry) embarrassing.

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