So they don’t wear coats?

@mcdiggety Yep. My son just started high school and we haven't been able to get him to wear a coat since elementary.

It seems most kids don't want to use their lockers.
@mcdiggety Lol. Thanks for the read and conversation in this thread. I thought my kids were the only ones. This seems to be a generational thing. My son finally wore a jacket. A thin summer jacket because some kids said he "had some drip." Don't ask me what that means, I had to look it up on Urban Dictionary. But at least he wears a jacket. If not that, it is all hoodies.
@mcdiggety Yes. My daughter is 15 and walks to school in 30 degree weather. For once, this morning, she actually wore her winter jacket and I was so relieved! The reason she doesn't bring it it because they no longer use lockers at her school so she has to carry it around with her all day which seems really stupid to me.
@mcdiggety Mine (13 and 17) refuse to wear winter coats. I will buy them for them at any point, but I refuse to buy something they say they don't want and won't wear. They are old enough to determine if they are cold.
@mcdiggety 13yo daughter here and we have the same issue. This morning it was 27° at bus pickup time. She grabbed her coat but didn’t wear it. None of the other kids at the bus stop (about 6 of them) were either. I’ve given up.
@mcdiggety I gave this battle up in middle school. They want to suffer. They can suffer. And, nope, no kid wears anything more than a heavy sweatshirt that I can see in HS or MS. And both my kids walk about 20 minutes to school!
@mcdiggety I have 2 Middle schoolers who refuse to wear coats or even sweatshirts. But then they complain about freezing when they are home with the heater full on, temp on 70??? I just don't get it.

I'm glad I came across this post. Makes me feel better.

I was fussing at them this morning to put something on for school since it is freezing but I feel bad for fussing at them now. They are very intelligent boys and are fully capable of making that decision on their own!
@mcdiggety My girls started refusing to wear coats in middle school. Their grandparents would even buy them nice new coats every year or two as they grew but it had to be dangerously cold for them to wear them.

They are both intelligent and know when they need to be protected from weather but it’s still frustrating. My older gal is in college now (still no coat, we will see how that lasts with walking around campus now that it’s getting cold here) and the younger one is in high school and won’t wear a coat. Her locker is big enough and if it weren’t she has other places to stash a coat easily.

I don’t mind as long as they have access to and know when they should use the cold weather gear but the high schooler has Raynauds the worst of all of us and needs to protect her extremities from cold and won’t. The windchill was -5 this morning. So frustrating at times.
@mcdiggety I am 42 years old and my mother is still trying to get me to wear a coat. I mean, I will wear a coat if needed. But if it is not cold enough to actually die from the cold, I might not bother. And since I live in North Carolina, that is basically never. It was 30 this morning and I would definitely go to the bus stop in just my long sleeve shirt or maybe a fleece. I would so much rather freeze at the bus stops than carry a coat around all day!As an adult, you get to leave your coat on the back of your chair at work or in your car or in a locker at work. But my kids high school has no lockers, so she is just stuck dragging it around all day, so I don’t blame her at all for not taking it.
@mcdiggety To be fair, I remember being the odd teenager out in the 80/90s because I wore a coat and boots to school. I just didn't like to be cold, but my friends all preferred to look cool and shiver. My husband was 19 when we met, and rarely wore a coat. He still doesn't, unless he's standing out for an extended time when it's really cold (he has bundled up for a kid's soccer tournament recently, lol). He runs warm and my sons all seem to be the same.

We had a family trip to NYC and my 15 yo niece and her friend went to NYC with thin shirts and an insulated vest, no gloves or hat, and preceded to complain about being cold. SIL said they'd rather be cute than warm, lol. I think they would've been fine if they had worn some long underwear (which you wouldn't be able to see) and gloves, at least.

My boys range in age from 13-20, and only the 17 year old wears an actual winter coat (a light weight, packable down jacket). The others wear a sweatshirt with a light jacket (except the 13 year old who wants to go out in a t-shirt and maybe a sweatshirt). They will put on hats/gloves when it's cold enough. They also know how to dress for the cold when they're actually staying out in it for extended periods of time. The oldest 3 have all done winter camping/survival training with Scouts.

I did insist my 13 yo get a fleece sweatshirt hoody and insulated vest for school, and he will wear a hat or gloves when he gets cold enough. Plus, I insisted he own a packable down jacket for snow/all day outdoor activities if we go to a big sledding/ski/snowboarding hill, and for taking with us on long car rides in case we slide into a ditch in the winter.

For my boys, they don't like to be weighed down by anything heavy, and don't like getting hot indoors. And my hs kids don't really have good access to lockers to store their winter gear, either.
@mcdiggety My kids rarely wore coats to school. I did make a deal that if the temps were below 20 degrees and/or there were dangerous wind chills, they had to wear long pants. I would also have them grab their coats & keep them in the car when I dropped them off. My concern was that they would be safe if we had car trouble or were in an accident during the winter months. Beyond that, I stayed out of it. Their HS would get really hot in the winter, and shorts were more comfortable in school.
@mcdiggety 22F degrees here this morning, I told my 7th grader it's coat time. She said "duh, mom, it's only 22!" 😳

She thinks she's invincible because she ran in 38 degree weather in a 3k the other weekend without a jacket.

But I had the smart speaker repeat that the wind-chill was 10 degrees and she relented. She listens to that smart speaker more than me, that's for sure.

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