Why does it seem like dating as a single parent is impossible?

@tess14 I understand, my bf who just broke up with me Monday... Told me the same thing he wasn't ready and that he doesn't want to be trapped.. the sad part is my son saw him as a father figure... He has recently said dad... And that came as a shock to me since I didn't teach him that but I guess it's because that person was an important person within my son's life.

I feel kinda broken about this, I wanted that person to love me and my son. And yet it's not the life they wanted..
@tess14 Dating is hard for everyone. Then add in having to pay a babysitter for childcare anytime you want to go on a date, the lack of availability in your schedule due to your work and your child’s academic and social schedule, and the differences in priorities.
@tess14 I’m right here! I get it! I’m you in female form. Why is it so hard. I only want to date people with kids because they get it! (Or so I thought!)
@tess14 I’m right there with you. Dating has changed so much. I’m a 35f from Georgia with a 7yo. Guys seem to dislike that I’m independent with a doctorate degree. I’m very surprised about the lack of effort. I was told to be more needy.
@tess14 Yeah, getting the initial hook on matches in those dating apps is damn near impossible. I had incredible luck with my ex whom I met on Hinge within a month or two. However, we were both recent divorcees. Had its own challenges. To find someone again who is so willing to jump into a relationship with kids or a blended family situation is so difficult. These apps make it so easy for people to be overlooked - grass is greener.
@tess14 Daring as a single father is fucking impossible.
I personally feel that you have become everything a woman wants.. but she dose t want your children in the mix also.
Blame social norms or whatever. Blame me, don't care , just what it feels like.
@tess14 I actually felt like I got a lot of interest from women when I had a toddler. I think it had something to do with seeing me being caring and responsible. Now that I have a wild 7 year old though… not so much.
@tess14 If I told you it wasn’t your kids? I really think it depends on the person I know plenty of single moms who have to be man off with a stick as much as I know childless women who can’t attract even one suitor. For me it’s not that men aren’t interested it’s just that I don’t have the time and I am not really going to waste time that I could be spending with my kid on a stranger, and I think that definitely comes across when I talk to man. But my goal as a mother is to be the best mother that I can, not to find a husband.
@tess14 First off, women who don’t like your situation aren’t selfish or self centered- they’re actually smart to avoid YOUR DRAMA. The fact that you blame women for being self centered in your comments below, show that YOU don’t understand how SHITTY the situation is for women who might dare you. RED FLAG THERE- man who can’t see what the hell his situation is

Because no woman wants to be second or third to your kids and your ex. I’ve dated single dads and it’s not worth your date being interrupted by baby mama texting, dealing with HER family, seeing the constant resemblance of his ex in the kids faces, plus the fact that she will always have him by the balls emotionally because of the boys.

So no, not worth it for us childless women who want our OWN family. We don’t want to step into yours while “the other woman” will ALWAYS be around. Plus, so many times, the parents goes back and cheats with the former ex. There was literally NOTHING worth it for me. Nothing

Plus you don’t sound like a charming gem yourself
@liliri Exactly, he (and all the single parents on here) sound entitled as hell. Personally, idk why these people even try to date if they’re too busy to even return a simple text message enough that the partner gets fed up by it.
@tess14 I skimmed through the comments and you all sound awful why cuz I’m a single person dating a single mother. Life is a two way street. Make out time for me I’ll make out time for you. It’s that simple. There’s nothing wrong in dating single people as single parents it’s just that you don’t have the courage to choose yourself sometimes like your kids will die if you set up a movie date at home after you tucked them in by 8pm which is bed time and hangout with your partner or gf/bf.
Like your kids won’t be alright if you drop them off at your friends or sisters place on a Saturday who has kids too so that you can actually have a fun day or maybe after school program on Saturday to have breakfast with your kid.
Stay glued to your kids. Don’t change blamed the schedule.