Which transition was hardest?


New member
I’m sure there are literally 100 of these within the sub. But I’m just wondering how everyone dealt with the transition from 2 to 3.

We found the transition from 1 to 2 much harder than from 0 to 1. But, we also don’t feel done.

Just curious how you all would rank the difficulty of each new addition.
@texan2 Our transition from 1 to 3 was pretty rough. Our "2nd (and probably last)" ended up being our "2nd and 3rd (and 110% done)".

I prefer to expand my brood one at a time, thank you very much!
@texan2 I had twins first so it was 0 to 2. Adding a third kid barely registered. Some logistical difficulties in the early days but once we figured out some systems, she rolled right into our routines. It could be her personality but I think third kids also just learn to go with the flow!
@texan2 4 to 5. Preemie with birth differences in the NICU for 30 days, followed by many surgeries. Harder than 5 to 7 in one fell swoop. I feel like these things are just entirely the circumstances at time of birth more than any particular jump.
@texan2 I felt like the number of kids didn't matter as much as the spacing. All of mine are between 2 and 3 years apart, but the gaps closer to 2 years were much harder than the gaps closer to 3 years. But actually going from 0 kids to 1 kid was the absolute hardest of all.
@texan2 I have 5 right now.

For us, 2-3 was the hardest, because we had 3 under 3 and were outnumbered. So there was always a question of which hand was going to hold the third kid.

The truth is that after every kid, it takes 3-4 months to settle into a new routine. Once that happens, everything else falls into place.
@texan2 I only have 2 so far, but when I was struggling with the transition a few weeks ago, I talked with my step-mother in law and two sisters (who all have 4 kids) and I think the general consensus was (from hardest to easiest): 1 to 2, 0 to 1, 2 to 3.
@texan2 I think the verdict from these threads is that every family is different and the answer wildly depends on who you ask.

Top several comments all have a different number answer!
@ronaldus I think part of it will be the ages of the older kids too. Adding a no.3 when 1 and 2 are still in the baby/ toddler stage will look wildly different from adding no.3 when 1 and 2 are in school for example.