0 to 1 child, or 1-2 children? Which was a harder transition for you?

@andy1993 0-1 and 1-2 are their own unique challenges but honestly I'd say 1-2 is easier because you know what to expect, you aren't as freaked out by the little inconsequential things like you were with your first

Granted there are 10years between my two lol so that definitely made it a lot easier as one is much older and more independent and self reliant.

My eldest was an absolute dream, she slept through the night from 2 months old, ahead of every milestone, no terrible tantrums, she was able to clearly communicate with me even when dealing with big feelings.

My second is the complete opposite haha, he didn't sleep through the night until just before he turned 2, he's 3 and doesn't speak (he has 6 words but only says juice - 'ju' and ball or ballball if it's a bubble regularly), he's on the spectrum, he will screech and scream at least 3x a day, he's incredibly violent and has given me a few black eyes, bloody nose and split lips, he's chipped one of my teeth and ripped clumps of my hair out, he's scratched me until I've bled, same with biting etc. I love him but my god he is a challenge and some days I just want to run away and take a break but then he'll randomly cuddle me and kiss me and it makes it all worth it
@andy1993 For me, being thay I babysat every waking minute outside of school prior to children, it was harder on our lifestyle to go from 0 to 1. But harder on the household to go from 1 to 2.

We are very one on one with out first so when she had to share....and us learning how to multitask.... we had some sad sad days.

From 2 to 3 was just figuring out bedtime because my middle needed a parent to help put him to sleep ans the baby wasn't staying asleep consistently for 30inuya while I didn't that.

Truefully though, the first year of any new addition is a rough go while you all find a balance and I make it a rule.not to change anything major in the first year of a baby's life.
@andy1993 For me so far 0-1 has been hard but only the first couple of weeks. My babygirl is 3 months old now and I'm happy with getting pregnant again but my husband thinks that's crazy. I would like to think that 1-2 will be as smooth or smoother, hopefully never harder so that I don't end up coming back here to edit this response lol!
@andy1993 1 to 2 is way harder. My toddler was an easy baby and as a toddler she’s not too difficult, regular toddler shenanigans. It’s harder because things don’t align and you have potty training coming up and the newborn schedule is crazy and the baby wakes the toddler and the toddler needs to adjust and the toddler wakes the baby, it’s just crazy all over
@andy1993 For me it was 1-2. The main reason being that there's just almost no rest anymore for both parents. Getting the first child was also hard, but at least there it was easier to give the other parent some rest by doing an afternoon with the child alone. This is very difficult now, as taking care of two childs at once, especially if both want attention and can't really play together yet.
It will probably be easier in the long run, but the first year is really hard so far.
@andy1993 1-2 has been the hardest for me. I love them both so much but it can be overwhelming. Try to hold off until your first is in school. My oldest is in daycare 3 days a week and I struggle on the days she's home with me and my 5 month old.