0 to 1 child, or 1-2 children? Which was a harder transition for you?

@andy1993 For me 1-2 was easier but my first child was a very difficult baby and my second is more average so it felt almost easy. If they’d been swapped then I think 0-1 would be easier. It’s funny because it took me a long time to even realize my first kid wasn’t typical. Taking care of and being around other children made me realize. If possible you should consider waiting longer between kids. Mine are three years apart and I think even waiting another six months could have been better if attention is a concern.
@andy1993 😂 7 months later and all is well now! But the first 2 months were brutal for my poor toddler. He was not a fan and I really tried to keep everything consistent for him.
@andy1993 0-1 was more challenging. Because the first one was a difficult Baby but an easier toddler compared to the second one. The second one was an easy Baby but is more challenging now as becoming a toddler.

Don't get me wrong with easy I mean in comparison. It was still difficult but different. Also I was more in the mood with the second one that I kinda know what I was doing.
She’s been such an easy* baby.

I don't have an answer to your question cos we only have the one but, boy that's the bravest thing I've ever seen anyone write on the internet.

"Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make them say out loud that they're having an easy time of parenting" haha!
@andy1993 I had 3 kids within 3.5 years and 0-1 was the toughest for me hands down, no contest. 1-2 was the easiest but my first was a more needy baby and my second was (is) super chill. But the life change of becoming a parent really shook me to my core and turned my world upside down.
@andy1993 1-2 was way harder for us, but I blame that on my second being the mother of all velcro babies. In every single way he has been more difficult than my first, and I would even classify them both as easy babies (in that we haven't had any medical problems, they both ate well from the start, they both slept fairly decently right away, etc.) so it's not like we even had it that difficult, and I was still rocked by the transition. However, my youngest is gonna be 2 at the end of June, and overall things have gotten better the last 6 months or so. Once he started walking at right around a year old we started feeling cautiously optimistic, and then definitely the last 6ish months or so I would say it's been consistently "easier". Not easy, but better than it was.

The reasons we found going to 2 hard was that my youngest for the first year would have crawled back up inside me if he could have, and literally no one else would do. All our family commented multiple times about just how clingy he was to me specifically (I don't mean they said this in a mean way either, just it was incredibly obvious and not just to me that he ONLY wanted mum). My daughter was just over 2 when we had him, so that was hard by itself, and my husband was home either working or laid off from pandemic difficulties for basically the first year of his life. I can't imagine if I had been doing the solo thing during the days while my husband was at work.

All this being said, it IS better now, and we do plan on trying for number 3 sometime in the fall despite the challenges we had going from 1-2. I've heard that 2-3 is an easier transition hahahaha hope that's true!
@andy1993 0-1 was definitely the most difficult for us. We just had number 3 and that was the easiest transition, by far. Our older kids are 12 and almost 5 so maybe the age gap helped. That 0-1 to transition, though. It was complete life change.