When is it okay to rough house?


New member
You know, the type of play that makes mom nervous.

0-6 months; none, they’re gentle. Hold them and take care of them. Enjoy that time.

7-12 months; dangle from legs, throw up in air, a little rougher type play than just holding

1-2 years; lightly toss onto bed

3-5 years; WWE Hell in a Cell match

6-10 years; similar to 3-5 years, additional rough housing

11+ years; they’re too cool, don’t wanna play.

Does that sound right?
@clarabel My 12 year old insists on a Battle Royale death match every night before bed. We've broken bed slats and lamps, but no bones. Mom hates it, he loves it. The beat downs will continue!
@clarabel Quick story.

I used to “box” with my then 3 year old son. I’d “fight” him on my knees and he was big for his age so we’d be almost eye to eye.

Of course a 3 year old doesn’t really understand how to pull his “punches”.

He caught me right on the jaw and laid me out. I was actually dazed.

His mother spent years dining out on that story with her obligatory “I told you so”.
@jermyn My mom for years warned my sister that it wasn’t a good idea to mess with me despite the 5 year advantage. I don’t think my sister ever figured by the time I was 8 I’d be able to throw her across the room. My mom milked the “I told you so” for years and even would threaten “do I need to get your brother to carry your ass out here” when she wouldn’t listen.

My wife however as already learned by 4y daughter and 2y son that she is screwed and won’t have a chance against them. During rough housing she’s ended up with a black eye and chipped tooth. Currently I maintain my victory record even in 3 on 1.
@wewg5490 Damn right, that cheater deserves it!

Just to make the out of context response sound terrible lol.

But yeah, she wants to join in with pinning daddy down to tickle him then she is going to end up pinned with the two brats.
@clarabel I used to go at it with my dad till I was about 18? I’d tell him “I could take you” and try and go after him. My nephew is 15 and still goes at it with his dad, and me when he thinks he can.

Rough housing is considered a good thing. Here’s some insight as to why. The more you do it, the less likely your kid will try to be dominant towards you, and be less physically aggressive.

Another reason why I’m 110-0 in my cage matches with my kids. Even handicap matches, I’m still victorious!
@iowagander My nephew is 20 and still tried to get the jump on me. Failed miserably but maybe someday when I’m using a cane he will have a chance. Assuming I don’t beat him with it to show his kids I’m still king.
@iowagander I know people have incredibly devided opinions on him but Jordan Peterson has a lot of very interesting things to say about rough housing that 100% agree with this. I found his discipline strategy to be game changing
@wintair123 Yeah I agree with you. I said to my wife "when the person you hate makes a great point". Something about letting kids do dangerous things carefully is good for their development.