When does it physically get better?

@dsmd14 About 30 of it was gone within a month (water weight, etc), and the rest has slowly been coming off with walking and strength training. I am breastfeeding, which I honestly don’t know if that’s helping or not. I will say the weight loss has slowed down recently. It’s unfortunately a slow process and as much as it sucks, it will just take time. I’m trying to tell myself it took 9 months to gain, so it will take time to lose too.
@christian_follower There’s a ton of good advice here. I just wanted to give my personal story because we had similar issues. I also had horrible SPD (my husband was taught by my PT to realign my pelvis every night while I laid on the floor sobbing - fun times), bad diastasis, and a c section. I just wanted to say that it wasn’t until around 10 months PP that I even remotely felt like myself. I also plateaued on weight loss around 4 months PP. I panicked, but wasn’t able to do much about it, and a month or so later the weight just dropped off. The only difference was that I continued breastfeeding throughout. But my point is, give it time! I wish I had listened to the whole “you need at least as much time with baby out as baby was in to recover” thing because for me it really was about 10 months. My son is 2 now, SPD gone, diastasis is managed (still about a 1.5 finger gap and a small hernia but it doesn’t bother me), c section incision is practically undetectable, and I feel like I did pre-pregnancy. You will get there! Give it time - I know it is hard but I’m the grand scheme of things 4.5 months is basically like you gave birth yesterday.
@alliandre I agree! It’s only been 4.5 months 😭 it’s really not along time in the grand scheme of things, not even this single year. I’m glad I’m not the only one that had the issue, my bf would do my realignment everyday too! I’m a little closer everyday to the 9/10 month goal and hoping to feel closer to myself then. I really needed to hear this, thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️
@christian_follower If your as active as you are, you’ll be back to pre pregnancy very quickly. It just takes time. I’m a small women. Not hardly as active. I just got back to my pre pregnancy weight. My son is 13 months now.

My weight is the same now. But my waist isn’t. I have a mommy belly. Like. It’s not fat. But my muscles have just expanded. I need to do sit ups.
@christian_follower I relate to you A LOT— I was competing in pole competitions at a fairly advanced level before I became pregnant. Dealt with horrible nausea in the first tri, and developed SPD in the second tri and fell off training.

Please, please give yourself time. 4.5 months PP you’re still in the trenches. Things come back as you heal and are able to train more. I could not even invert from the floor at 4 months PP. at 5 months PP I got my invert and my ayesha back. I’m 6.5 months PP and I just got my shoulder mount and aerial invert back today (and they look like hot garbage lol).

I struggle a lot with how my body looks and wanting to skip workout because of it. But when I look at pictures of my 40 weeks pregnant body, 1 mo PP body, 3 mo PP body, and 6 mo PP body they all look wildly different. I may still look pregnant but our bodies created LIFE and that is so badass.

It’s hard. I’m right there with you. But with time and consistency, I know we will be back at the things we love like before. 🤍
@kevinjday Hello fellow poler!!!! For real it’s tough! I did a pole performance at 34 weeks and after that I said NOPE I’m done lol I think the pole stuff will come back pretty quickly and it seems like it’s progressing for you nicely which is awesome! I went to a beginner level class on Thursday just to see where my body is at and to try a few things and surprisingly all the dancing things is still there. I was surprisingly still able to climb. I def have to wait till my hips heal before attempting any leg hangs or any inversions because my hips couldn’t even handle a jasmine 😭 it’ll be a while before I get back my shoulder mounts, Ayesha’s, aerial inversions, handsprings etc but I know I’ll get there. I just didn’t like looking in the mirror but that’s also because I was in such a bad mindset the other day.

Congrats on getting back to pole and killing it!!!! I’ll get there eventually! Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
@christian_follower Just keep going. Everyday it will get better. I’m just starting to get out of the cloud and my son is 9.5M. You’ll get your groove back I promise. Get outside and walk when you feel ready. Fresh air and exercise are so important for your mental health.
@josecuellar891 Thank you! I agree, this winter has been so dark with no sunlight. I’m sure that’s what’s impacting all of this and just being trapped at home. I get to work in the morning and it’s dark and when I get out, the sun is setting so I’m sure that doesn’t help. Time is the answer. Thank you!!!!!!