When did your baby sleep all night w/o feed?


New member
Hi - when did your baby sleep all night consistently without a feed? By “all night”, I mean at least 8-10 hours of sleep without waking up for a routine feed.
@londoj Most of these well intentioned answers might be making you feel a little hopeless if you’re in the thick of things 🫣.

Every baby is different (duh) so if your baby isn’t sleeping through don’t bear yourself up. Mines 9 months and going through a bit of a regression, teething too. It is what it is, but the answers you’re getting( from very lucky parents, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t jealous) aren’t the norm I don’t think. Maybe look into sleep training if you think it could be right for you!
@susyq Yep! It’s totally normal for babies not to sleep through the night. And to not do it consistently. Also have a 9 month old who sometimes does and sometimes doesn’t. Don’t let the parents with the miracle babies make you feel like you’re doing something wrong.
@londoj Not consistent yet at 10mon. But quite a few nights of long stretches and our night feeds are faster now that I don’t hold her upright for 30min
@londoj These answers are making me a little jealous. My chonk is 3.5 months old and is still waking up every 3ish hours. Am I doing something wrong?
@whydontwe You're not alone! I'm thankful in a way though, at least I know that baby is still okay when he wakes up offen. My babe gives us 5-hr stretches now and I get up constantly to check if he's still breathing 😅
@whydontwe Mine is 9 months old and I don't get more that 3.5 hours. We are trying to night wean but it's a process. Tough when he's constantly teething and getting fevers/ bugs from nursery
@nobert Man I hit the wall 2weeks ago as she was up every 20min after her flu shot for two nights. Night 3 we started sleep training and it’s been positive (even through the teething too). Hang in there.
@emmarona Good luck. To be fair I'm an imposter in this group so my situation is different. EBF because I literally couldn't train him out of a bottle/cup aversion. I came here for tips and hoped to join your ranks one day but alas no.
@nobert My friend in the same and sleep trained her girl at 4months (too early for me but it worked for them). It might be worth a look especially if you can get longer stretches in the night. Good luck!
@whydontwe Also 3.5m and every 3-4 hours. However, I’m feeding her right now after 5! 😅

With my first at this age she was sleeping in bed with us and sleeping through the night. I know it’s not recommended to co-sleep, but it was dark times and we were desperate. She always slept better and for longer stretches on or near us. This baby has been great about sleeping in the bassinet so that’s a relief. I just wish she also could go longer between feedings.
@londoj 9 months! I went in with the expectation that we’d be lucky if he slept through the night before his first birthday so it felt like a victory. That being said, we’re not sleep trainers, so I’m sure he would have slept through the night earlier if we had.
@londoj My son is 14 months in a few days and has only had a stretch of 4 days sleeping 11 hours when he was 12 months. He wakes up once a night for a bottle, no matter what I do! 🤦🏼‍♀️
@londoj I don’t want you to be crushed but my son was almost 1 before not needing a feed in the night. He also didn’t reliably sleep through the night til after 1.5. He’s 2.5 now and sleeps like a charm most days. Every kid is different.