When did your baby sleep all night w/o feed?

@londoj 5/6 weeks, we found her sweet spot for going to bed (2am which she then shifted forwards herself). She used to do 8-10 then a feed then 2-4, with the odd night where she didn’t have it and the odd night where she’d have 2. She didn’t drop this herself though, we weened at 7months because the last feed was killing me and I believe interrupting her sleep.
@londoj We had a few at six weeks (that scared the crap out of me) but consistently from 8-10 weeks. She’ll be four months on Monday.

I, however, am not sleeping because I’m still paranoid mom and my cat is an asshole.
@londoj Around 12 weeks. But around 7 weeks he started sleeping 6ish hours straight. But we had a rough time around 4-5 months and again around 9 months when he cut 4 teeth in like a week. It was hell. Anytime before he has a big growth spurt he will pick up one feed around 2am but he is very businesslike.
@londoj Mine was sleeping eight hours (and having to be woken up) for a bottle by eight weeks. She was never much of a snacker, so it was easy for her to get her calories during the day and evening.
@londoj Around 6-7 months he'd regularly sleep over 8 hours (as long as he's been not sick), but he would have some nights where he slept 8 hrs starting around 10 weeks.

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