When did your baby sleep all night w/o feed?

@londoj Mines was around 7 months but he sometimes has some hiccups where he wanted to eat. So we eventually gave him more milk before bed and added cereal to it. He loved it. Sleeps until 11. Our schedule is from 11:30-11 am.
@londoj I switched to formula at 3 months. And that’s when it happened for us. I feed her every 3 hours during the day, bath and 6:30pm. Last bottle by 7pm and she’ll sleep till 6/ 6:30am

Who knows what will happen with day light savings this weekend though lol 😅
@londoj 4 months ish? But we usually have a week or 2 out of each month where he stops sleeping through, usually due to teething or being unwell. He does generally sleep through unless he is teething or catches a cold.

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