When did your baby sleep all night w/o feed?

@londoj Inconsistently starting around 4 months and then she's been doing it pretty much every night since she turned 5 months and moved into her own room. I feel it's important to mention that she's formula fed because I've heard that breastfed babies need to feed more frequently and may take longer to sleep through the night.
@londoj Around 16 weeks (just shy of 4 months). She went from ~7pm to around 4-5am for a few days, then dropped that last feed and started sleeping fully through the night a week or so later. She’s 7 months and is still sleeping 12 hours or so, 7pm-7am. We feel blessed.
@londoj We did our first 10 hour stint last night at 8.5 weeks.

However, I will say that she got her 2 month shots yesterday, so that definitely could have contributed.

The first 5 weeks, we didn't go for a longer stint that 3 hours. And it's been building up to regular 6ish hour intervals since. I'm dreading the 4 month inevitable sleep regression.
@londoj My 10 week old has just started stretching to about 7 hours every 2-3 days but she eats a ton before bed from about 8-10. She kinda just cluster feeds I think for comfort, those hours for her are the most difficult for some reason. She naps 4-5 hr sessions just fine all day though!!! I feel like I’m so lucky and even the nights she goes from 10-5 are such a relief!! She’s my fourth, but my first all formula baby! With my other 3
I nursed overnight for months!!!
@londoj I’m curious to know how or if this correlates with weight. Like if the babies who weigh more earlier can sleep longer earlier.

My girl is in the 30th percentile for weight and at 3 months can only do a 4 hour stretch at most.
@londoj My baby is 5mo and still essentially needs to eat every 3hours. Absolutely huge though (off the centile charts) so I do wonder if that’s something to do with it. Would love a whole night omg! 😮‍💨
@londoj My first went back and forth. Some weeks he slept all night and then a few weeks later would be up every 2 hours. Finally ended when he was 18 months old. He’s slept through the night ever since then. My 6 month old just started this week but I don’t have high hopes that this will last although she’s been pretty consistent at only one wake up for the last few months.
@londoj 2-3 mos when doctor gave us the green light to stop waking her to feed. Now at almost 6mos she still sleeps through the night and still catches up on feeds during the day. She eats 4-8oz every 2-4hrs. STM and I know, the feeding schedule is super weird but she’s 97th percentile and on her growth curve. First kid sucked down bottles like clockwork, this one just has her own schedule.

Much love to all the moms and dads out there who are struggling with sleep. I was talking to another mom the other day and was slow to say that my kids were generally easy sleepers because I know so many people struggle. Turns out we both had a easy sleepers and both thought it was because the universe figured we couldn’t handle struggling sleepers.