When did you get excited “again”?

@galdrun Same exact boat except I’m about to be 20 weeks with my 🌈🌈. It’s definitely been a roller coaster of high excitement & the lows “don’t get too excited.” I’m hoping after my anatomy scan next week I am full on highs and no longer second guessing myself & my body’s ability to bring a healthy child earth-side. I did begin my registry yesterday, I got a little excited looking at all the cool baby girl stuff. 🥹🤍
@galdrun For my double rainbow I didn’t let myself get excited until she reached viability. It wasn’t until I knew i could actually come home with a baby that I let myself get excited to meet ger
@galdrun I’m 22 weeks with a girl. I lost twins at 12 weeks last year. I am still hesitant to be excited. I’ve gotten all my testing done, scans, etc., and I’m still nervous af. Hopefully it’ll pass eventually
@galdrun I'm getting kicked pretty regularly now. So she's getting really hard to forget. Especially since I often just need a moment to get up with the big belly in the way.
@galdrun Never felt all consuming bliss hated pregnancy with every fiber of my being. Did not enjoy. 10/10 would rather just go through birth 12 times than be pregnant again. On the other hand I love my children and that moment you see them take their first breaths is completely magical
@galdrun i feel the same way. i felt like i was the only one! just waiting for the other shoe to drop tbh. i’m 17w6d today and i haven’t felt much of anything maybe a flutter here and there but i convince myself it’s something else. everyone else is excited around me but im just living each day as it is. i pray daily for this baby and its health. we are also waiting to find the gender at the anatomy scan as well. i told myself id get excited at the anatomy scan but im just more nervous for that as its getting closer
@galdrun At some point you baby will just beat you up everyday and you will have difficulty taking a breath, I promise you wont forget you pregnant. I am at week 38 and I really want this over with.