When did you get excited “again”?

@galdrun I definitely got excited again around anatomy scan time. Then it went away and I got excited again once I really started to look pregnant. Like, there's no more mistaking if I'm fat or pregnant. It's also exciting when you are far enough along that you can see your belly move from the outside when baby moves.
@galdrun I totally get this. When I first found out I was pregnant it was this mixture of extreme excitement and anxiety (maybe thanks to the sudden hormone changes too?) and that lasted quite a while. Between the dating scan and the anatomy scan I felt mildly excited, like it didn't quite feel real except that I was sick 24/7, so hard to focus on the actual baby. Then our anatomy ultrasound came back not normal and I purposely distanced myself from the pregnancy and baby because I was terrified I would have to end it and I guess I was protecting myself from getting more and more attached. Two weeks later we found out we were keeping the pregnancy and it was such a relief (still an abnormal anatomy scan but we love them no matter what), I didn't realize how terrified I was about losing it until we were able to say "it's not bad, we're keeping it" ... If that makes any sense? Fast forward 5-6 weeks and that emotional trauma like physically wore off and I can say I 100% feel excited again (now 30 weeks). The baby really picks up movement around week 28, for me at least, and they're constantly reminding you they're there! So all that to say that pregnancy can be emotionally taxing, not feel real sometimes, be absolutely amazing and fun, and exciting all at once! I also think there comes a moment when it hits you like "wow I need to push this baby out!" and it all starts feeling very real.
@galdrun After we did the NIPT and got the anatomy scan I felt more excited. Until then I had some kind of low grade simmering anxiety that something was wrong. And occasionally that feeling would come back but that’s partially just who I am as a person.
@galdrun Currently 31 weeks with my double rainbow baby too! I suffered from an ectopic pregnancy and a chemical last year.

I started to get excited at 28 weeks. Before then I would just tell myself I wasn’t pregnant, when I would feel baby move I would sometimes ignore it.

I feel like I will get much more excited and it will feel more real once i hit 36 weeks.
@galdrun 19 weeks and my excitement definitely has gone up recently after a normal anatomy scan! Since then, I have felt liberated to bask in the pregnancy even more. I opened the gates to sharing on social media and starting to inform the clientele I work with. My bump is also more visible now, so it's nice to lean into how I look and search for cute maternity clothes. I'm also at a point where I no longer feel a need to hide the bump. We're in planning mode for the baby shower and nursery. It feels like things are coming together and as I expect this to likely be my only pregnancy, I'm in a place of just wanting to soak it all in.
@galdrun I would say that after the anatomy scan I felt like I could relax more. I’m now 24 weeks and feeling excited because it seems like baby will be here in the not so distant future now.
@galdrun I think from anatomy scan it picked up, and then a lot more as I grew more and felt large movements, for me that was 27ish weeks and the excitement hasn't gone back down at 34 weeks now
@galdrun Omg I don't know if this is bad to say but I can't wait until I don't feel pregnant anymore ! I'm only 10 weeks right now so I'm in the worry stage.
@galdrun congrats!!! i’m so happy for you! i started getting excited when i could feel the kicks, i’m 25 weeks now and i can even see my stomach moving when the baby does
@galdrun 38 weeks with a girl and it got exciting to me again when the 10 week countdown started and my baby shower was over, and i could wash all her little clothes and get everything ready 🙂
@galdrun When the kicks got really real. I have an anterior placenta so it took a while but once I started feeling foot shapes and being able to interact with her it all started to feel like real life. 33+5 and physically miserable but I love her a lot and I'm really excited to meet her 🥰
@galdrun I am a FTM and will be 32w on Monday and can say getting excited if something I’ve struggled with my entire pregnancy. My anxiety around pregnancy has made it really difficult to enjoy the moment. I always thought I’d be so chill and happy during pregnancy, and that just hasn’t been the case. Thankfully I’ve had a very healthy and low risk pregnancy thus far, so my anxiety is all in my head. Even though I feel the little guy consistently, and know he is doing okay in there, I still worry. Hoping the next 8 weeks fly by!
@galdrun I think I got excited again around 20 weeks at the anatomy scan. When everything went well there I felt loads better .
I'm 33 weeks and still get hit with some real fear for him I don't think it's ever gonna go away but I definitely let myself get excited too
@galdrun I've only recently started to get excited about baby shower, decorating the nursery, etc... at 28 weeks. My last two pregnancies were miscarriages and I'm an older FTM.

@galdrun Congratulations on your baby! Not quite the same situation but we went through about 5-6 weeks where there was a question if our pregnancy would be viable and it felt like we were frozen - couldn't grieve, couldn't be excited. I'm at almost 21 weeks now and it still feels a bit like I'm not quite as excited as I was when I found out we were pregnant. Definitely feel it when baby moves, and we're finding out the gender tomorrow which might spark it back up!
@galdrun With 17 weeks I felt the first kicks too! Like little bubbles. It can definitely be your baby girl! I forgot I was pregnant too until week 20 or so because I had no symptoms at all but I always reminded myself throughout the day and then felt so surreal and excited.
@galdrun Some days I was not excited and could definetly wait some more months but then there were days that I was so excited that I could not handle having to wait any longer and I didn't know how to survive the waiting.
@galdrun Once we had the baby shower picked the nursery theme and started doing the nursery I got a bit more excited but I really never got super excited until she came if I’m being honest. I had a rough pregnancy health wise though which might have contributed to the lack of enthusiasm.
@galdrun Congratulations on the double rainbow! I just gave birth to my double rainbow 3 weeks ago today.

To be honest, I never really reached a point in pregnancy where I was excited for him… Like you, I didn’t think about my pregnancy much at all, and I also had moments when I forgot I was pregnant even well into the second and third trimesters. People would congratulate me and I’d be like “on what?”

It wasn’t until I held him that I finally felt something. I feel really guilty about it now, but I think that’s just what pregnancy after loss is for some people. So don’t beat yourself up too much if this is you too.