What was the moment you knew you were OAD?

@topshot I feel the same. I think about it and I’m like how could I handle a newborn and a kid in kindergarten. How could I function, get my one up for school and be able to also work on zero sleep. How could I take care of the one I currently have if I also have a baby that’s completely dependent on me. I would get zero breaks. I would be exhausted 24/7.
@cassmith I had morning sickness for a while with my first pregnancy, but it went away after a few weeks. I couldn’t ride in a car without getting sick. It wasn’t too horrible, just at night mainly.

But then the second time around I had severe HG, i couldn’t function. I lost 12 lbs in one month and got hospitalized twice in that one month as well. I was struggling to take care of the one I had. I had to make a tough decision and I knew that was when I was one and done. I thought to myself what if this lasts for the entire 9 months. I truly thought I was going to die. I wonder what caused me to have it the second time like that but not the first.
@vitality Before my husband and I got engaged, we had this talk. We decided on "maybe one". I'd stop taking certain chronic medicine and we'd see how that goes. If I got pregnant, great. If I didn't, we'd talk adoption or being child-free. We're both nearing 40 now, so no time for more children.

I knew I was one and done when I spent my first night as a mom in high care with machines yelling about my vital signs and my baby in a different room. I'm not chancing HELLP syndrome again. LO was born at 38/39 weeks, so he was and is fine.

And then my husband got a vasectomy last year.

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