What time does your toddler who still naps go to sleep?


New member
And for those who dropped nap…did it move earlier?

Like actually falls asleep. Ours just turned 3. It seems 9:30 is our answer here. But we’ve tried no nap, and he’s a mess by 5:30/6 when we are trying to make/eat dinner.

He naps at daycare about 45min to an hour around 12, and at home (4 days/7) we put him in his bed and don’t force a nap but leave him there, and he plays and eventually falls asleep for maybe 1.5 hours between 12:30-2:30

I’d really love a shift to 8:30…
@geranium 2.5yo

6:30am - wake up

12:30am - 3:30pm nap (3 hours)

9-9:30pm - asleep

When I’ve tried capping naps, or trying to get him to bed earlier it’s been disastrous. He seems well rested, sleeps through the night and his nap. It works for him, so it works for me.
@andrew6297 I am mind blown every time I hear of toddlers taking 3 hour naps. My kids didn’t even nap that long as a baby 🫠my toddler has been on 45 minute naps since at least 20 months. If we don’t cap her she is up until 10pm. She’s up for the day anywhere between 530 and 630 🫠
@funktionz Similarly low sleep needs toddlers over here! I used to think I was doing something wrong. Nope, our kids just need less sleep. I hate not getting one of those long breaks that so many parent friends of mine rely on, but at the same time, now that our oldest isn't napping on weekends with us, it has removed so much anxiety around sleep and we're able to go on midday adventures again. Our friends whose kids still take long naps are stuck at home all afternoon.
@catrinadavis Yes! The anxiety around sleep is so real! It was awful with my first because everyone, even a hired sleep coach, said I was doing it wrong. I was the reason my kid didn’t sleep. I just needed to try harder. It took me years to realize this wasn’t true. Thankfully I realized that before our second was born and the sleep anxiety is much less this time around.
@mattgzat Purely luck of the draw lol my 19 mo old son sleeps from 7:30p to 7a with a 1.5-3 hr nap midday. He's always been a good sleeper since about 4 months old. But he's a lot to handle while awake, so I think it all balances out in the end 😆
@mattgzat My 23 month old is up 1-2 times a night from 8-6ish. We have to cap her naps at 45 minutes otherwise she’s up until 10pm. Some kids are just low sleep needs. Both of mine are. It’s rough until they are older to not need you in the early hours.
@southsudan Mine is 2.5 and we’re on about the same schedule. On weekends the nap is probably more like 11-1 and at daycare it’s probably more like 12:30-2:30.

The late bedtimes here have me gagged. Mommy needs some quiet time so both of mine are in bed by 8! 😅