What time does your toddler who still naps go to sleep?

@geranium 3 and a half years old.

Weekdays :

6:45 - Wake up

~1-3/2-4 (some shift within those ranges)

7:30 - bedtime routine

8:00 - In bed

8:30-10 - Asleep


8:00 - Wake Up

2:30-4:30/3-4:45 Nap...or just quiet time for an hour/hour and a half in there if he can't fall asleep

7:30 start the same bedtime routine as Weekdays.
@geranium Kid just turned 3.
Sometimes he naps and sometimes he doesn’t.

He COULD nap for like 3 hours during the day if we let him lol

Sometimes we do allow a long nap depending on what’s going on that day.

But typically, during the work week, I try to avoid a nap.
My son was definitely someone with a late bedtime for a longggg time. But as he gets gotten a little older and he skips his nap during the day, he’s started falling asleep anywhere between 7:30-9:00. But it’s not like we’re sitting around waiting. I just mean he’s showing sleepiness signs anytime in this range.

Prior to this, with a nap, we were trying to get him in bed and calming down between 9 and 10 😵‍💫

You will have days where he’s crabby earlier in the evening. But we got thru this. He adjusted finally and it’s been great ever since.

Sometimes u just have to let them go to bed early. It suck’s but usually my kid will still sleep the entire night time even when he does something weird like fall asleep at 5:30 or 6 pm lol I guess it’s his way of combining his nap and bedtime. And probably going thru a growth spurt.

Also while working thru this, offer him dinner earlier. It seems to help w the evening crabbines and in case he does fall asleep early he’s got some food in his belly.
@geranium My daughter will be 3 in June. If she naps, it’s 60-90 min and we wake her by 3 at the latest. Put her in bed at 7:30 and she’s asleep around 8:30. She wakes between 6:30 and 7.
@geranium My son is almost 3 and we have to cap his nap at one hour or he won’t be tired by nine. We leave his room at 8:30 PM after about an hour and a half long routine including bath. He’s definitely not ready to drop the nap. Sounds similar to your Kid.
@geranium 8 pm-8 am

Naps 12:30ish-1:30 ish

14 month old.

I know he’s not napping but as a baby he fought every single nap stop him napping at all And sleeping through the night is fine with me
@geranium 2y1m

Wake up 7:15-7:45
Nap 1-3 when home (1-2 on nursery days 2x per week)
Up to bed 8pm and asleep sometime between 8:30 and 9pm

She's had days she's refused a nap and been ok (although goes a bit manic around 5:30/6) and days she's not napped until 4 and I've let her have 20-30 mins in the car.

Seems no matter whether the nap is 30 min or 2+ hours bedtime and wake up time stay pretty constant.

I'm going to hold on to those 2 hour midday naps as long as I can. Only way to get anything done on the weekends!
@geranium My 2 year old wakes up between 6 and 630. Naps at noon or 1 for about 1.5 hours. Asleep by 830.

If she skips nap, she goes to sleep by 7 and wakes up at 6.
@geranium Our bug is almost 15 months, wakes 6:30a, nap 12p-2p, then bedtime around 7:30p. Sometimes the nap will end after an hour, sometimes he’s in for the long haul but we never let him go past 2:30 because then bedtime is hard.
@geranium 16 month old

7-8 wake up

11:30/12 to 2:30/3 nap

7:30 bedtime

That’s the schedule she just kinda put herself on. I’ve always just let her sleep when she seemed tired and that’s the schedule she fell into

ETA: sometimes she refuses to nap and those nights she’s usually asleep by 6:30
@geranium 2.5 and he naps at preschool during the week from 12:30 -2:30 and goes to bed around 930.

Weekends if he skips the nap he’ll go to bed around 7-730.

He wakes up between 5:45 and 7 am.

He still wakes again least once a night and usually runs into my room around 12 - 2 am.