What time does your toddler who still naps go to sleep?

@geranium 33 months

Wake up between 7:30-8 am

Nap 12 to 1 pm

Usually asleep by 8:30 to 9 pm

I don't let him sleep past 1:30 at the absolute latest, usually i wake him up at 1 or bedtime is hard.
@geranium When my daughter dropped her nap, bedtime was at 5:45/6pm and she’d sleep 6ish-6ish. She had always been an early riser so 6 was fine. We’d feed her then one of us would put her to bed and the other would make our dinner.

She dropped it between 3-3.5 and it took about a month to fully transition. During the transition, we could barely do anything outside the kiss after 3pm.

My son turned 3 in March and I think he’s close to dropping it. He naps anywhere from 30mins to 2.5hrs. It used to be that we could wake him by 3 and he’d be ready for his 8pm bedtime but recently , we have needed to wake him closer to 2:30. We’ve started to think about capping him at 90 minutes verses going off the time he would nap. But haven’t done that yet.

Short nap days he sleeps 8:15-6/7am. Long nap days he falls asleep closer to 8:45/9pm (still in bed at the same time) and up at 5:30/6am
@geranium 2.5 with low sleep needs. Wakes up on her own around 7. Typically naps for 1-1.5 hours, usually starting between 12 and 12:30. We put her in bed at 7:30 but she sometimes takes up to 2.5 hours to fall asleep. It's a constant struggle. She's skipped the nap a couple times here and there but I'm holding out as long as I can.
@geranium Our (just about 3) wakes up between 6 and 7 am, naps at daycare 12:45-2:45ish (sometimes shorter, sometimes longer), and is in bed by 8:30 (asleep by 9).
He doesn’t nap on the weekend so he is in bed 6:45/7 ish sleeping by 7:15. On days he doesn’t nap he is more of a rollercoaster. But I would say when we fully drop the nap his bedtime will be earlier for sure.
@geranium My oldest is 3 and still naps from 1-3:30 on weekends and 1-2:30 on weekdays. Bedtime used to be 8, but we were seeing some serious behavioral issues and meltdowns. We shifted bedtime to 7:30. It usually takes her 30+ mins of putzing around in her room after I leave to fall asleep. With 8 pm bedtime, she was falling asleep around 8:30-9:30. With 7:30 bedtime, she falls asleep around 8-8:30. She wakes up in a better mood. She wakes up around 6:30-6:45 every day. I don’t think we’re anywhere near being able to drop the nap.
@geranium 28 month old

Wake up 6:45-7:15ish
Nap 1:00-2:00
Asleep by 8:45/9:00ish

Capped nap to just an hour is the only way bedtime isn’t a drawn out disaster. If he doesn’t nap, bedtime is like 6:30 but he’s a mess by 5PM and he usually wakes up at least once at night from being so overtired
@geranium Wake up around 8 or 9. Nap 1:30-3. Never falls asleep until 10pm.
Edit to add that she woke up at 3:30 this morning and didn't go back to sleep until 6:30. I think she was just hungry and her teeth were bothering her.
@geranium 2yrs and 4 months. Naps a maximum of 1.5hrs, falls asleep between 9-930, wakes 7-730, sometimes 630. He can't get through the day without a nap. The few times we've done it have not been good.

I expect he'll nap till he's 4 because he loves napping and needs it, and eventually he'll be going to bed at 10pm. Whopppeee.