What do you do during wake windows???

@misslou Some additional things we do with our almost 3 mo:
1. Tour of house or another room while she is in burping position on my shoulder. She constantly lifts her head and have found favorite things to look at like our photos, certain decors, lights etc. Helps strengthen her neck and burp.
  1. Tour of the yard / patio / front of house.
  2. Direct conversations between her and us while she lays on her back. Usually involves us making faces, singing, clapping, giving her things to grab like a rattle or encouraging her to babble more talking constantly.
  3. FaceTime with extended family (under 5 minutes a day).
  4. Staring into a mirror while on our shoulders
  5. Stretches and bicycle (mostly before diaper change)
  6. Watching us do regular things like brush, eat, cook.
  7. Stroller walks or car drives.
  8. I have also made up random silly songs for diaper time, burp time etc and keep describing her what we are doing.
  9. Bounce and dance with her in arms to music.
@misslou Sit baby in a swing our bouncer on the porch and let him look at the trees. Or if it’s too hot/cold in front of a window!

The fisher price piano kick mat is a hit.

I basically just do one activity until my baby starts to whine like he’s bored then move to the next one. They have longer attention spans than we give them credit for, everything is new to them right now!
@coleton_7 Maybe you…could be… a purple monkey in a bubblegum tree and…

For real though that thing is a staple in our house. Every morning while I drink coffee and try to let my spirit return to my body my daughter has play mat time. She loves to wiggle around and grab the toys
@coleton_7 My husband says he sings the songs at work now. When I saw so many parents singing it’s praise I went straight to Amazon. He loves it!
@misslou I got the app called Pathways.org - it has age appropriate activities which renews quite often, tummy time timer and it's nice way to track abilities and milestones (although it's not saving dates of achieving them), I like it because it's also help for baby development. But it's completely unnecessary, but a nice addition.
@misslou I take longer when we do a diaper change. But he loves it, I think we accidentally conditioned him to really enjoy that time. I put music and sing to him, make lots of eye contact. Lots of kisses, and snuggles. We also chat about stuff with him, and if yours has started making cooing noises then you can really have fun by replying in the same tone. I also dance, and grab his little feet and kiss them. He loves it so much, that every diaper change for him is the best. If he is crying, I'll take him to the changing table and he'll immediately stop and smile/laugh.

He also really enjoys baths at the end of the day. It's part of his last wake window routine.

Another thing he loves is dancing. I pick him up and hold him close to me while I put some oldies and just sing/dance. He has the biggest belly laughs.
@misslou My 3 month old has hours long wake windows because he’s a cat napper haha lots of walking around and talking to him and floor time and reading and high contrast stuff