What do you do during wake windows???

@misslou My baby has just turned 4 months but here is some stuff we do. (I use the Kinedu app for ideas and lessons now)

Slow down the diaper change. Use it as a chance to play and bond. You can give her little baby arm,leg and foot massage. Throw in a minute of tummy time at the end. Play cute little games like "The Claw" (it was a tickle game my dad use to play with me where he pretended his hand was sentient and wished for nothing more than to tickle me. It'd start with a single gentle finger for a baby tho lol)

You can help her practice her roll by slowly and gently rolling her over at the waist. Make sure you do both directions.

Lay her on a surface then pick her up under her arms and carefully lift her up over your head until shes flatish in the air on her belly like superman. Sometimes we add some whooshing and swooshing.

You can put her in a bouncer and talk to her while moving around the room in and out of her sight. See if she can find you/look your direction.

Play head shoulders knees and toes. I alternate between using her hands, to the best of her ability, and mine.

Sign and Sing some baby sign language songs.

Practice holding things or giving her toys to hold and inspect like a rattle. Mine just eats them. Hasn't rattled them yet.

Let her practice standing on my lap as it's still her favorite activity ever since she was strong enough to do so.
@misslou At 3 months? Wake up, nurse, diaper change, let her do tummy time while I play with her brother/fold laundry/put her in a carrier while I make dinner. We just lived life with her, it worked really well. She’s an early crawler at 6mo.
@misslou Talking to her is the best thing you can do. On top of the usual things, my baby likes to have a cuddle and general interaction which I will do till she falls asleep. Never have an issue getting her to sleep and she loves it.
@misslou Babies don't need constant stimulus and entertainment. Just being awake tuckers them out. Sometimes they just need space to figure out how to move and think. At that age, I took full advantage of the pack'n'play and would work on getting her used to me not constantly hovering over her. It's ok to plop baby down in a safe space and go do something for yourself. I also would do things like put her in her little floor rocker next to my bed and folding laundry while watching my shows (Baby couldn't see anything because of where she was set down).

I eventually got my little a 50" x 50" playpen for the family room and now that she's almost 15 months, I can put her in there, put on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and go take a shower in the morning. Of course, now she's walking around outside of her playpen while the baby gate to the kitchen, the door to the bathroom, and the door to the basement are all closed.

Wait until the toddler stage. You're gonna need to start thinking about baby-proofing the whole house or creating a baby-proofed space for baby to explore their world as it expands.
@misslou Jesus. Your baby isn’t in boot camp. She doesn’t need regimented schedules of activities down to the minute omg. You’ll drive yourself crazy. All the things you’re doing are great for her development of course, but no need to treat it like someone is watching you with a notepad. Just like…play with her, go about your regular day with her in your arms and narrate what you’re doing, have her on your chest while you do dishes and hold up each dish to show her or something, do whatever seems fun at that time, it’s really not that serious and don’t let social media moms make you thing it has to be like this. Your baby has been here for 3 months and you’re already burnt out trying to train her like she’s in university doing flash cards and moving her from class to class! If you keep this up, how will you feel 6 months from now? Just relax.
@fruitfulspirit This is insanely harsh lol I literally just put minutes so y’all would have some kind of idea of roughly how long it takes each time. Some days we do all of it, sometimes we do some of it, and some days we do none. Again, I was just trying to give y’all an idea of what it usually looks like…..If anyone needs to relax it’s you lol
@fruitfulspirit I think you’re the one who needs to relax. She clearly shared what she’s already doing and how long it takes so other moms could offer ideas for for how to fill remaining time. It’s not about being regimented, it’s about being creative with filling time. The days are long when your baby gets to the stage of needing stimulation when they’re awake.
@misslou A mirror can provide loads of entertainment! Get a crib-safe one that you can Velcro to a bassinet or prop up safely near baby on the floor.

Also, you can just… not do anything. Put baby down, put a couple safe toys near her, and let her chill. Babies don’t need to be entertained all day long. They are constantly learning about the world, and just looking around the room is a great activity! Floor time without anything special from you (except supervision) is a great use of baby’s time!
@misslou M.
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