What do you do during wake windows???

@misslou This is so regimented 😳

OP, go do something fun or active. Go for walks, go to the store, take a shower while they hang out independently (next to the shower). Everything is interesting to a 3 month old!
@misslou My daughter is 4mo now, but we did these last month, too:
- Crinkle books or ones with texture the help her learn to flip the pages
- Play gym with teething ring hanging so she could practice grabbing things and putting them to her mouth (It worked! She now puts her paci back in if she spits it out.)
- Bouncer with Mardi Gras beads (ones that won’t break and become choking hazards), she loves that they are shiny and colorful and make sounds when she bounces.
- Play with things with textures (a stuffed animal, tree leaves or grass outside, a book, etc.). She also has this really awesome stuffed fish that has all these colorful scales in different textures. Some crinkle and all of the scales have a different picture underneath them so she practiced lifting them up. Keeps her entertained for ages.
- Splash our feet in the tub
- Listen to music and dance around
- Practice supported sitting and standing.
And lots of serve and return with peekaboo, trading smiles, and copycat so she practices new sounds! She also loves going in the carrier and going for walks or hikes.