What did your kids have for lunch this week


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Include age ranges too please! I'm in a lunch rut and as my littlest's appetite has grown we have less dinner leftovers for lunch haha.
@joegibson I’ve got a one and a four year old. Some things I make. Some of these are sides some are main things: quesadillas, canned beans, tuna salad, boiled eggs, pb&j sandwiches, grilled cheese, omelettes, fried eggs, scrambled eggs, hummus and pretzels, cottage cheese, homemade easy guac (mashed avocado, seasoning, lime juice)
@joegibson My youngest at almost two barely touches any but the four year old does: raw carrots (sliced thin and with ranch), cooked broccoli, cooked green beans, cooked corn kernels. Sometimes cooked mushrooms or asparagus. We usually serve with a bit of melted butter and salt and pepper. Took a lot of regular offering but now he’s into at least those! Oh and he likes edamame, especially opening the pods himself.
@joegibson I have an about to be 3 and about to be 5 year old , and the veggies they like are corn, green peas, sugar snap peas, bell pepper slices, broccoli tops, edamame, cherry tomatoes, cucumber with lime juice, a few bites of salad and sometimes cooked carrots. They don't eat a ton of them and I have to constantly rotate through them.

Oldest won't eat raw carrots because they're too crunchy, and the squashy parts of tomatoes are her favorite. She pulls the peas out of the sugar snap pea pod and prefers most veggies raw. The younger one, when he's done, takes the skins off peas, calls them turtles and then occasionally eats the turtle part. Broccoli is only accepted roasted with some lemon and parmesan. The only accepted salad is Costco salad, which is spring mix, feta, olive garden dressing and croutons. My kids don't like ranch.

So far, the baby likes green beans, but that's all she's had.
@joegibson Twice fried rice. Day or two old rice fried with an egg, some sesame oil, and soy sauce. Then tightly packed into cookie cutters I know he likes and lightly fried again to keep the shape. Sounds involved but took 10ish minutes. Could have added some veggies but I was tired.

Chickpea fritters. Just canned chickpeas, whatever veggies I have around/in the freezer, and some panko. Used cookie cutters again to make them more interesting.

Honestly, whatever I make into a cute shape he’s bound to at least try, lol. I do it for regular sandwiches, quesadillas, whatever I can think of, lol
@joegibson My 9 year old mostly had turkey sandwiches that she made herself. Also carrots that she peeled herself. She also really likes to make morningstar vegetarian veggie bacon and chicken nuggets in the microwave herself when she's home for lunch. Oh, and she has been making her own smoothies...strawberries, blueberries, banana and milk.

My kids are all older now, but they always eat better when they make the food themselves or participate in some way.
@joegibson A few things in our rotation that I didn't see listed:

Pinwheels: tortilla, mayo, ham or turkey, and lettuce rolled and then sliced. My 3 year old assembles them herself.

Pizza bread: bread with sauce, cheese, pepperoni or whatever pizza toppings your kid likes, sprinkles garlic powder and Italian seasoning on top and toast in the air fryer

Egg Salad with either bread or crackers.

I make french toast and PB&J's in bulk and freeze them for quick lunches.

Once a week I spend a day meal prepping. I make a big salad for my lunches, I hard boil eggs, and I wash, cut, and prep all of the veggies and fruits for the week. So usually there is one main food and then I grab some of the prepped fruit, veggies, and string cheese, yogurt, or applesauce.