What did your kids have for lunch this week

@joegibson My 4 year old often has pepperoni, a cheese stick, and sliced apple. Sometimes we add in a spoon of peanut butter. It’s one of her faves. We also keep mini frozen pizzas. My 10 month old eats a lot of scrambled eggs, they both love PB&J, and the baby loves these sweet potato tots I found at Aldi.
@joegibson 6 year old- turkey cheese sandwich, hummus and pretzels, berries, small candy bar.

2 year old- pb&j, blueberries, string cheese.

We usually go with easy lunches 🤷‍♀️
@joegibson Lunch is almost always dinner leftovers. Today it was leftover chicken, rice, and broccoli with a side of strawberries and oranges. The girls were still a bit hungry so they also each had a blueberry muffin that we had baked earlier in the week.

If I’m making something fresh for lunch, it’s usually Annie’s mac and cheese with peas or vegetable soup (super easy to throw together). We also do cheese quesadillas too when I have tortillas.

On real lazy days, I do a diy lunchable: crackers with butter and cheese, carrot sticks, and fruits.
@joegibson Lots of pantry/fridge staples and things I can prepare in bulk plus dinner leftovers to minimize "cooking" at lunch. I try to think of getting him proteins, carbs, veggies, fruits, and dairy everyday. Occasionally there will be some sugar. If he didn't like his veg for lunch, I'll try to sneak in a veg at snacktime. He also very reliably has yogurt, toast, and milk for breakfast, so we go light on dairy the rest of the day.This week he ate a lot of:

- Tofu (just cut and drained)
- Japanese Omelette (store bought tamagoyaki)
- leftover Stuffed Pepper (ground beef+rice+tomato sauce)
- Egg-Rice "Pancakes" (literally any proteins/veg he didn't eat earlier in the week, mixed with an egg and some rice, then cooked like a pancake)

- Brown Rice
- Rice Cakes (the dry puck ones)
- Goldfish crackers

- Baby Carrots
- Mini Peppers (filled with cream cheese)
- Steamed Broccoli
- Green Beans
- plain Iceberg Lettuce (he eats it and pretends he's a stegosaurus)

- Cheese stick
- Cream Cheese (in the mini peppers)

- Blackberries
- Grapes
- Sliced Pears
- Clementines

- Prunes
- Arrowroot Cookies
@joegibson 5 and 7.

Most of the week has been PBJ.

Today, One is having hardboiled eggs, Ramen, and frozen peas and carrots throw in while the Ramen cooks.

Also digging black beans, cheese, and tortilla chips. One kid likes salsa too.

Grilled cheese and baked beans, pickles.

Teriyaki meatballs with rice.

Another favourite is breakfast for lunch (and dinner).

Deli meat, cheese, and crackers

Chicken or tuna salad sandwiches

Everything is served with fresh fruit or veg. It just depends on what we have on hand. The usual are cucumber, bell pepper, carrots, broccoli, apples, banana, assortment of berries. We have pineapple, papaya, watermelon, etc, when finances/season allows.
@joegibson We have a 2 and 4 year old. They have similar lunches everyday. My 2 year old has sandwiches/ wraps with tomatoes, cucumber, strawberries and yoghurt. My 4 year old has sandwiches or wraps (cheese/ Turkey), tomatoes, cucumber, green olives, cashews, edamame and some fruit (apple/ strawberries / banana usually). We mix it up a little but it keeps that general structure.
@joegibson 2 9yr olds. They get a protein bar, applesauce, yogurt and a drink everyday. I’ve found that with more variety they actually end up eating less. 🤷🏻‍♀️ They will occasionally ask for a muffin or some chips and I’ll always add that. The youngest 9yr old goes to public school and will eat the cafeteria lunches on breakfast or taco days only.
@joegibson 1 and 4 years old. I’m in a lunch rut too. We usually have dinner leftovers. My 4 year old is picky with lunch. It’s usually grilled cheese or fried egg sandwich for him these days. Gonna add a quesadilla with black beans and cheese to the menu. Saw it in this thread.
@joegibson Dinner leftovers are a hit around here as well. Our usual go-tos are: naan pizzas, quesadillas, sandwiches, tuna or chicken salad and pasta. We are East Indian so also do a lot of easy Indian lunch items. These are primarily vegetarian and include dishes like : paneer wraps, bread upma, vermicelli noodles, parathas stuffed with different veggies, etc. My Littles are 7 and 4 and love eating raw veggies on the side. Grape tomatoes and baby cucumbers are a favourite lately. :)
@joegibson 22 month and almost 4 year old:

Roasted chicpeas with chopped cuke, avocado and pepper. Youngest eats this as a salad with a vinegar watts. That’s our go-to! My kids love roasted beans.

Other usuals are vegetarian chili with whole wheat buns, dumplings and cut veg or egg salad sandwiches.
@joegibson 2 year old and a one year old.
We cycle between quesadillas, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, Mac and cheese, cheese and crackers, pb & j, plus fruits and veggies for sides. They both love berries, mushrooms, kiwi, avocado, and cucumbers; so a lot of that.
@joegibson 2yr old -

Monday lunch - Poached eggs, Potato waffles, Sugar free spaghetti hoops.

Tuesday lunch - Peanut butter & Strawberry jam sandwich and some fruit.

Wednesday lunch - Fruit (Strawberry, clementine, Peach, banana, blueberries) with a pancake.

Honestly, she mostly has fruit dishes for lunch as she just loves them so much.
  1. Chicken Milanese, strawberries, cucumbers, and veggie straws
  2. Charcuterie type lunch- ritz, cheese squares, salami, cucumbers, strawberries
  3. Chicken sausage, strawberries, Greek yogurt, dry cereal for my 2 year old and pancakes for my 5 year old.
  4. PB sandwiches, Turkey meat on the side, goldfish, sliced grapes, cucumbers (can you tel they like cucumbers)
  5. 5 year old has school lunch pizza day. 2 year old usually gets Dino nuggets on this day + fruit, veg, and carb
@joegibson I have a 3.5 yo. Today we had breakfast for lunch (french toast sticks, scrambled eggs, fruit). We have sandwiches pretty often (rotating turkey/cheese, pb&j. pb&b). Chicken nuggets with a fruit cup. Sometimes I make ramen noodles but not very often.

It's never something that takes a long time to prepare, it's usually something that won't be a battle, and it usually isn't the healthiest thing in the world to be frank. She is in the throes of toddler pickiness and I've decided to just "let lunch go" so to speak. I keep it simple, easy, and familiar.