What chores do you get done while baby wearing?

@wrshamblinjr I’m very curious what other could accomplish because I could do nothing - baby gets in the way all the time, grabs things, feet are dangling too low and such. But we go outside to run errands like to the post office or to buy groceries and vegetables (that I carry home in a backpack so not a lot of them but still)
@wrshamblinjr Just yesterday I sawed a few pieces of wood for a diy project. 😅 In a back carry and babe was super relaxed.

Generally vacuum, dusting, dishes, laundry, watering the garden, or anything where a baby on the floor is inconvenient.
@wrshamblinjr When you back-carry - EVERYTHING. It's a lifesaver. Cooking big meals, post meal clean-up, errands (post office, DMV etc etc).

You're pretty limited when front carrying, but that's to be expected.
@wrshamblinjr I’ve cooked when I’ve absolutely had to but I don’t like to because of the stove and oven being hot and him being right there. Otherwise I can fold laundry and that’s about it. I just feel like I’m walking on eggshells when he’s sleeping in it, I don’t want to disturb him or make his head flop around by bending over. I have an Omni breeze
@wrshamblinjr I can do most anything while baby wearing. If your bending over just support baby’s head so they don’t plop their head out and bend their neck back super far and hard. I do dishes. Take the trash out, feed and water the cat, break down boxes, cook, fold laundry, organize. I can do most anything, just be mindful of where baby is, what you’re doing, and check on baby every once in a while.
@wrshamblinjr I’m learning so much from the replies! Gonna incorporate more squats into my tidying-up-while-babywearing

Does baby like to prop themselves up on elbows & watch you, during floor time? I do hand-sewing (mending) with us like that. We do more floor time (in a gated-off area) than bouncy chair time.
@seditthis Baby loves floor time! We usually do 30-45 minutes of floor time during morning wake windows, less in the evening because she’s a bit grumpy lol I try to save the bouncy chair for when I really need it, like showering or cooking!
@christlover330 I typically dust once/week (in the post I said I do most things daily, not all of them!). I have two dogs that shed. I have air purifiers in baby’s room and play space, and we change our furnace filter often. I was simply asking for ideas on chores I can do while baby wearing and saying what I already do, not asking for judgement on how I keep my house clean
@wrshamblinjr Not an in the house chore, but I love walking the dog while baby wearing! Much prefer it to the stroller since I can move more freely to take the dog to sniff and explore different environments, or avoid other dogs or hazards as needed, baby loves it too!
@wrshamblinjr Keeping her in a baby carrier isn’t much better than keeping her in the bouncy seat - she can’t move either way. She can be flat on the floor - free movement is best! I kept my baby on the floor unless she was really clingy then on my back while I was doing food prep and straightening up.