What are the best phrases you never thought you’d have to say?


New member
Todays was “Stop karate chopping brown sugar into the couch!” For us.

What are some of the best things you’ll never forget that you had to actually say out loud?
@pochrist Been there. Walked in the great room from putting the baby to sleep, and a three y/o looked directly at me and said “I made a master piece.” I walk around where I can see, and he has smeared poo all over the wall.
@pochrist OMFG. Yours is the top comment.

This morning my 4.5 yr daughter smeared dog shit all over the house, *AND* also onto our 1 yo son's face. It was an event of maaaassivee frustration this morning before having my coffee.
@kkk What is it with their obsession with buttholes?! My poor dog refuses to lay down looking away from my toddler. She’s officially traumatized.