What are the best phrases you never thought you’d have to say?

@orenz9002 Every time one of my kids are in the cart at Costco i pull them around the cashier side and make sure they know ,"These are returns, no need to scan them.."

I get some good responses to...

"Costco has an amazing return policy!"

"You can return anything you aren't 100% satisfied with."

There is a bit of terror with the kids when the other person is totally complicit.
@smile_today Ahh damn, this one got me. As a father who’s son recently came up to him and said “dad, LOOK! My wenis is standing up!” I’m assuming something like this is coming for me soon. He’s three BTW.
@katia20 Mine's three as well and he won't ever let it be, he touches it, he plays with it, he ooooos about it being "so big". We've gotten him to understand that he can only play with it at home though so it's fine at other places but we do get the occasional "Can I look at my we is now?" when he wants to test that boundary.

It's a normal phase and he'll kinda get over it I guess
@kaylank92 "How did you poop into a cup?"

Context: 2yo son shit into one of those small neon kids cups and sat it in the middle of the bathroom. I was equally impressed and disgusted.
@kaylank92 I always come back to this moment when this question is asked.

“DAUGHTER! Get the sock out of your butt!”

She had this weird habit of shoving one of her socks in between her little butt cheeks and laughing while she waddled around the house.

Man, life is weird.
@katia20 My daughter loved to wedge her underwear up her crack like a thong. I made the mistake of laughing at that the first time she did it. So she continued to do it for months.