What are the best phrases you never thought you’d have to say?

@kaylank92 No cars in jars. We don't throw hard things, we CAN throw soft things. Gentle with mama's boobies. Please don't spit oranges onto the couch, use the plate. No (toy) fish/cars/etc. in the toilet. Yes dada does have nipples. That's right, the wheels on the bus DO go round and round, all through the town....
@csindevelopment Omg, the throwing thing! My kid is almost 2 and throwing is his new random thing. Boys got an arm on him but, dads not trying to buy a new tv lol. I'm working on the "not hard toys, throw soft toys (or the soft inflatable balls we have) and...it morks 75%. For that tossing spell. Then I have to remind him again. And again. And again. Lol. I'm debating on buying a nice sheet of plexiglass to put over my tv, just in case lol
@lacrimosa1995 We had a rule that toys were allowed to be thrown as long as he:

A) do NOT throw it against someone

B) Only throw things into the sofa

So far it's been working surprisingly well, the kid is 3 now. Occasionally he will throw stuff at us if he's angry but that's often his last go to so its generally avoided.
@cruzer I find that my son throws things out of excitement. Like he's just so into a car he throws it in the air, or down the stairs. He knows the rule, he just has impulse control issues like any toddler. So we just keep reinforcing as we go.
@therealone Our version was "BUTTIT!" which was how my (then toddler)daughter said "button" and thought the cat's butthole was his bellybutton.

She was about to poke the cat's "buttit" and we were struggling to stop laughing fast enough to say "Noooooooooo...."
@kaylank92 A SINGLE time I said to our oldest “We don’t booty naked.” After dancing getting out of the tub at like age 3.

Now even years later they do it all the time as a joke.
@kaylank92 "Its ok I'll just blow on his asshole" Little one had some mean diaper rash briefly and wiping his bum made him cry, my wife was worried and so I said I'd dry it off by blowing on it. A trip to the store for some butt paste fixed him right up