What’s on your WTT To Do list? (Both #1 & #2+)

@saramj This is our second so mostly it’s just waiting until it won’t be 2 under 2 and giving my body 18 months to heal. He just turned 1 so at the earliest we have another 6 months.

But I’m terms of actionable to do list, the big one is buying a new house. We’re in a ~1200 sqft “3 bedroom” but the 3rd is not actually big enough to even fit a bed and my husband uses it as his office. No designated parking and we usually have to park a few blocks away (city living). Very little storage space. So we already feel like we’ve outgrown it and the thought of bringing another baby home here is overwhelming.

The market is crazy but I think we can swing it. We’re planning to rent our current house out rather than sell, so we need to finish up some projects here and then we’ll be ready to start looking hopefully in the spring. I’m fine with moving while pregnant though, so as long as we’re on track we’ll still start trying in the spring with a possible winter due date while house hunting.

Also trying to lose another 20-30lbs but if I don’t it’s fine. Historically I find it much easier to lose weight in the cold months so I’m optimistic!
@lllgt We're in a similar boat! My toddler is 19 months old and we were meant to start TTC next month but We're now going to save for a bigger place (currently in a 2BR and want a 3BR). The market is soooo crazy.
@saramj Before having my baby I hadn't read any pregnancy or parenting books, and then when I got pregnant I felt so behind! Like I was taking a test I hadn't studied for, lol. Maybe read some books? I've got some recommendations if you want them!
@oyinbopepper My favorites have been:

Bringing up Bébé by Pamela Druckerman

Cribsheet and Expecting Better by Emily Oster

Early by Sarah DiGregorio (my baby is a preemie)
@saramj Building up muscle strength! Struggling to carry my 5yo niece really put things into perspective 😅

Also: getting our driveway expanded, starting our garden beds, painting the top floor of our house, and reorganizing our kitchen so it finally makes sense
@eagerbeaverelle Oh you don’t need worry too much about that 🤣 I got pregnant when I was muscle wise quite weak (due to illness) so I worried about that too but your muscles really grow with you in terms of carrying them! As they put on weight you put on muscle 😉 But getting stronger is great ofcourse!

Love home projects!!💛 I have many to do too!
And I think we might have similar timeline!
@saramj Buying a bigger place (how does a little human take up so much space?!)

Save up more to be able to pay off home loan repayments while I go on maternity leave

Declutter my house haha
@ladywind It’s insane 😂 It gets messy SO quickly too. But yeah our house feels so much smaller! So totally can imagine that. And decluttering is always needed here 🤣

When do you want start trying?💛
@saramj We were meant to start trying in Dec, but now that we're here, my partner and I are thinking we should tick off buying a bigger house off our to do list before trying for bub 2.

When do you want to start TTC?
@ladywind That makes sense! It would probably be a bit harder to move when you’re pregnant. Does it take a long time to buy in your area?

We’re thinking of the summer ‘24 but it could also be around autumn too depending on a few things!💛
@saramj Travelling more, I really want to pass my driving test so I have more independence and decorate the house we just bought this summer💛 I really need to get my PCOS under control and my ADHD diagnosis too!
@saramj Get an extra cabin or something to the kitchen, and then get a dishwasher. I just want to make things easier for me. If there are bad days, pain, tiredness or anything like that, I just don't want to be hand washing dishes on top of it.

Get my wisdom teeth out (that's in January).

Get bloodwork done for thyroid and iron (in a week or so).

SO needs to get me a ring (I know it's either this month, December or January)

Otherwise there's not much left to do. We're only few months away.
@saramj Things that WERE on my to-do list that have gotten scrapped:
  1. Buying a house, sadly
  2. Getting down to a "normal" BMI
Things that ARE still on my to-do list:
  1. Eating healthy (gotta get the body in tip-top shape even if I don't lose all the weight I want to!)
  2. Increasing strength (gotta be able to carry that kiddo everywhere!)
  3. Increasing cardio (gotta be able to chase that kiddo everywhere!)
  4. Decreasing to 1 cup of coffee a day (so I don't want to blow my brains out once I'm knocked up)
  5. Reducing my drinking (same as above)
  6. Stop smoking weed (same as above lol)
  7. Get bloodwork done
  8. Get genetic testing done
Edit: ALSO ALSO throw a banger of a New Year's party!! I have ONE fun one lmaooo