Walk me through your laundry routine! I’ll start

@ava1453 When I can keep up with it, I'll go on a good streak and do a small load daily

When I get lazy, it piles up and I spend quite a few miserable hours doing it 😬

Depends on the mood lol
@ava1453 Wow that sounds overwhelming.

I do about a load a day. At night (most nights) I do a 10 min tidy, walkthrough and pick up trash and laundry and whatever else I have time for. I also make sure nothing is sitting wet at this time. Usually.

Above my washer dryer there are several smallish baskets. A full size basket doesn't fit on the shelf. Everything gets dumped in there, if I'm doing laundry that's the first thing that gets done. Laundry baskets from upstairs are usually a loaf and a half, the second half gets piled in/on top of the smallish baskets.

Clean laundry goes in the basket up to my closet and dealt with in 5-10 min increments. Maybe while I'm getting dressed, for example. May take several days. Pull things out, a pile of baby's stuff, pile of husband underwear, lay out what needs to be hung (but don't hang), etc. If I have no time then nothing gets folded, but balled up and thrown on the shelf / in the drawer. At least it's where it's supposed to be and I have an empty basket again. All laundry is stored in the main closet except for baby, which we tried but didn't work for us.

Baby's clothes get thrown in a pile on his floor, and he can help sort and put it away. 15mos. Or it can live there. There is a dirty laundry basket in the hallway outside his room so it doesn't get mixed in.
@ava1453 I wash workout wear in one load so it can have some "smell enhancer" added to the load. Everything else gets thrown together, washed warm/cold. Never had a problem with colors bleeding. I fold tshirts and pants, but pjs and workout wear just sorta get thrown in a drawer. (workout wear is nylon so it won't wrinkle!) Baby clothes are stacked in drawers- too tiny to fold them all. In the summer when it's tshirts and flip flops, I can get by with two gigantic loads a week. Winter is more like 3 or 4 because of sweaters and longer pants.
@ava1453 I am going to admit that I only fold my husband's work shirts and towels in our house. The shirt folding is a new thing for me, too. I just let our laundry live in each person's assigned basket. We cloth diaper, though, with two boys in diapers, so if I were to also fold clothes, I think I'd go insane.
@ava1453 I keep all our laundry separate. I also make a point to do laundry every day or two, even when it feels silly to do such a small load, it keeps it from becoming too large of a mountain to climb. I also have a laundry cart which has been helpful (3 fabric bins, and a hanging rack). One bin is for whites (random hand towels, towels, pillow cases), one is for kitchen related (dish towels and bibs), and one is for my 1 YO daughter (random socks and dirty clothes I find that don’t make it to her laundry hamper).
@ava1453 I hate laundry, especially the sorting and putting away part, I was doing a load everyday and yet were still running out of basic items. So I rearranged everything and its been working out great!

Family of 4 (2 adults, 1 school kid, 1 new born)

-everyone gets their own basket in their rooms +uniform 'bucket' if you need it (i use those cube felt/cardboard storage drawers)

-temporary laundry bag in bathrooms, (the kids have their own bathroom but this keeps the clothes off the floor)

-when one basket is full, cold wash together, dry.

-once dry and in their og basket i simply take to the designated room and throw the clothes in the drawers without folding. theyre separeted into shirts/pants/socks of course.

-anything that needs ironing/wrinkle free (like school/work uniforms) is just hung on a hanger cause i dont have the time/inclination to iron

-uniforms are washed on the weekend, everything else is done as the baskets are filled.

Note: I embraced my inner basic bitch and have a target/kmart wardrobe where everything is cotton/polyester blends, until my kids have developed the abilty to not attract dirt like a magnet theyre not getting any 'expensive' clothes either.
@ava1453 Family of four. No hampers, no separation. Dirty clothes go into washing machine after use. I do a load every day and hang it to dry. We don’t have a dryer—in warm weather it’s hung on the porch, cold weather on a rack by the wood stove.

When it’s dry I take it down, separate into four piles—mine gets folded, kid clothes get tossed on their beds for them to put away.

Because everything gets hung, I can’t do multiple loads a day, so I never get behind!
@ava1453 I'm a SAHM with a 3yo and a 4mo and ideally I try do one load of laundry a day start to finish, weekends too. I mix it together based on what needs to be washed. Usually I fold it all on the kitchen table either in the afternoon or once the kids are in bed then put it away. Sometimes I don't get to it and it gets backed up a bit. For my kids clothes I roll them up and put them in their cube storage baskets in their room which to me is easier than folding.
@ava1453 I do a load every day, and an extra load of sheets and towels on weekends. I start the washer while they’re eating breakfast. Swap it to the dryer hopefully before naptime. Fold and put away everything but the kids clothes during naps. Kids clothes get put away when my husband gets home and does bathtime.

I don’t understand the math, but if I do this is like 3/4 of a load a day. If I skip one day, I have three loads the next day. If I leave it all week, I’ll have 10 loads on the weekend. Make it make sense.

We have a small house. The dirty laundry just goes in a basket by our bed, and collects all day. By bedtime it’s almost full.
@ava1453 This is basically what I do. Just when I think I’ve maybe, finally caught up it starts all over again.

Sometimes I’ll have my kids (4 and almost 2) race their clothes into their room. I’ll had them a clothing item, they’ll run to throw it in their room and run back for more. I’m not sure it’s actually that helpful but it’s an activity and buys me some time to get our stuff put away.

Other times I just stop doing my husbands laundry. I throw whatever clothes of his I find in a pile and wait for him to realize he has no more clean clothes. Bc I’m not a damn maid 🤣

The other thing I try to do is wait til the evening and watch a show while sorting. Doesn’t make it shorter but it’s a bit more enjoyable.
@ava1453 At least one load every day early in the morning to then hang out on the line in the sun. Southern Hemisphere and we get good sun to dry clothes all year round. I find it easy to sort the clothes and fold as soon as I take off making it quick to put away. It’s always a pain if washing has piled up over a few days. For me the annoying part is putting clean clothes away so I try not to have too much to do.
@ava1453 I separate my son's laundry, my laundry (my husband works OTR but we share a lot of clothes anyway), and blankets/towels. Wash a load and dry, fold while the next load is in the dryer, rinse repeat. It usually takes me the same amount of time to fold a load while the next is drying. This is if I have access to a washer and dryer, though. If I have to go to the Laundromat, I separate the loads and fold all at once at home. And if I'm handwash+air drying at home I just do as necessary. So it's not overwhelming.
@ava1453 At a minimum It sounds like you need at least one hamper so there’s a designated space for dirty laundry to go. I’d go crazy having it in my closet haha.

I wash and dry at least one load a day, or it piles up and that stresses me out. I don’t fold and sort by the single load though.

I mix all clothes together. We have a few hampers around to throw clothes/towels into. I don’t have time to separate kid clothes from adult ones or run half full loads.

Eventually I bring the clothes upstairs to my bed and fold and sort. I use hangers for a lot of kids stuff which cuts down on some clothes being folded and put away. Since I fold and sort a few times a week it’s usually a process completed in 30 minutes or less for the 4 of us. Not all folded items get put away in dressers immediately, but kids stuff gets moved to their rooms and will be back in the drawer eventually.
@ava1453 It's a cleaning cycle, not a task for me. You can't check it off your list because you're literally wearing the next load. So I try to do all the washing one day and folding another while I watch tv. But I hate folding, so I usually keep a basket of unfolded clothes around to encourage me to do literally every other house work task I have. If we aren't out of clothes I'm still good.
@ava1453 You need hampers

One in the bathroom for towels and wash cloths when this is full you do that.

You and your husband have two in your room (I also have one in each of our closets for our delicate/go to cleaners, when we undress we put our clothes in the basic hamper or special one.

I have two kiddos - so there’s a hamper where they get changed, when I wash their clothes I have two baskets that fold away- I split the clean clothes by kid into each basket, fold them put away. Some people just throw them into the correct drawer.

I have one more slim hamper by the kitchen for cleaning cloths.

For me the pre sort is 100% easier I can visual see I need to do towels or my laundry or the kiddos.
You can get small thin hampers on Amazon for nothing.

Do a load a day and you’ll see actually I have a day a week or so with no laundry load to do- that’s when I might take the day off or toss in throw blankets etc.

Throw the loads in at night and delay start. Wake up switch the load to the drier. In an hour after waking up your load to fold and put away is already ready- do it when you can.
@ava1453 I do laundry when the laundry baskets get too full. My kids were taught at a young age to put their own laundry away. I used plastic 3 drawer bins and an idea octopus with clips. The clips held t-shirts and the bins were top had socks and underwear, then pants, then pajamas.

I usually washed whenever I had time. I threw it all in, quick wash with all free and clear liquid detergent. On cold. I dried towels and jeans in my garage. I throw the already dried towel and jeans in with wet clothes to help them dry faster. I used to watch TV at 8pm when all 3 kids went to sleep, and sort the laundry. The next morning each person puts their own laundry away!
@ava1453 Thursday: collect all the laundry baskets, strip and replace sheets (as needed), sleep sacks, towels, etc. and sort it into piles in my bedroom. Treat any stains.

Friday: wash/dry clothes, fold (in separate piles on our bed), and put away.

I usually do like 3-5 loads of laundry on friday. Takes about 15-20mins to fold each load and about 20mins to put it away.
@ava1453 I'm barely, BARELY just starting to kinda get a handle on it?

The night before, I'll put a load in with a delay timer set to start 1 hour before I get home with the kids after school the next day. When I bring all the backpacks in, I'll change the load and start a timer so I dont forget it's in there. While they're otherwise occupied (we do bath or food right when we get home) I put away that one load. If im feeling crazy cool ill put in 1 more load and rotate it but it has to be a no-fold load like kids clothes, towels, blankets. Ill just fold it withthe next days load.

I only do that 3-5 days a week and refuse to do laundry on weekends.

It's kinda managed? Way better than it's ever been before. Also enzyme cleaner in with the laundry is a game changer.

Edit to add that I still forget to fold it right away pretty often, like 4/5 loads a month? I'll just set it to 20 minutes on high with like 3 cups of ice cubes. Gets all the wrinkles out and works like a miracle.