Vaginal pH totally off


New member
Anyone else having issues with recurring vaginal infections (specifically yeast and bacterial vaginosis in my case) due to pH being way off? In the last 2-3 months I have already had both yeast infections and BV 5x each. I go through treatment, seem to have maybe 2-3 good days, only to flare up with another infection again right after.

I started a probiotic a month ago and it doesn’t seem to be helping yet. This has been so frustrating and downright uncomfortable and even painful. I’m 30 weeks now and scheduled to deliver via c-section at 39 weeks so I’ve only got 9 weeks to go but ugh… I just want to scoop my vagina out of my body.

On top of that, I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago with anemia, then diagnosed this week with gestational diabetes after I failed my 3hr glucose test, and yesterday/today have been dealing with the absolute most painful hemorrhoid of my life.

If this was my first baby, I would most certainly not have anymore children after this experience. I have been so so so miserable 😭😭
@richardmac Vaginally issues in pregnancy are so common they are almost the rule.

I am a wet Wanda, until I'm pregnant. Then I morph into the Sahara.
I never get uti or yeast infections, until I'm pregnant. Then my bladder goes on strike and my Vag takes up baking as a hobby.
My hemroids from the previous pregnancies all but disappear three weeks after birth, but in pregnancy my booty looks like it's trying to make a balloon.

Pregnancy SUCKS. Bodies that are pregnant, struggle. You are not alone momma bear.
@richardmac Ugh before I even read your whole post I was asking “do they have GD?” This hasn’t happened to me personally but I just saw someone post about how it’s very common for people with GD to get yeast infections! (Fellow Anemic/GD/hemorrhoid buddy here 😭)
@thatguydustin As soon as I was diagnosed I started doing research and came across that as well. I definitely have it on my list to ask at my appt this week. I’m hoping that once this baby is out, all these issues I’ve been dealing with stop too!! It’s been very emotional for me. I’m trying to stay thankful and excited, but it’s really difficult when I’m constantly itchy and in pain.

So sorry to hear you’re dealing with the same things!!!
@richardmac I keep getting very short lived symptoms of that and UTIs. All I can do is pay attention to what I'm eating and keep it aired out when possible. In my situation it was also my choice in pads I was using paired with working in a warm environment.

I also have Dr. Tealepsom salt with prebiotics that I haven't used for this yet, but it has me wondering. They also make probiotic ones. You can also try apple cider vinegar. If you Google it, it will tell you how to do it.
@miira I didn’t even think about the pads I was using possibly affecting it. I’ll have to look into this more.

Thanks for the tip on probiotic epsom salts, did not even know that existed!