UPDATE: I (24) recently found out I have a 5yo son I never knew about and now he lives with me

@mercantilewriter Well done! I’m glad it’s gone well so far.

Daily physical activity, sometimes twice a day, and kid sized exercise and/or exercise videos that you do with him when it’s rainy will help with his mental health, behavior, and sleep. Kid yoga can help him find peace during times when peace is hard to find. YouTube is a good place to start. Kid martial arts classes can help him meet kids his age, get him started on a way to manage himself when big feelings arise, and it’s more…exercise.

May I suggest trying to talk about hard feelings at times that are not over meals or at bedtime? Let them both be emotionally peaceful times. If he brings up hard topics at either time, then run with it, if needed.

Learn more about helping kids manage “big feelings.” Google it. They are lifelong skills that are never too late to learn. Parents need them, too. Help him learn vocabulary for the wide range of emotions that he experiences over time; it helps.

You’re doing a great job! I’m glad you came back to update us. I’ve been thinking about you. I hope you come back again.
@mercantilewriter OP, thank you for this precious update!! I must admit, I have found myself thinking about you a lot over the last few days and wondering how you’re doing. I couldn’t have hoped for a better beginning! The fact that you had a successful fishing trip that made him laugh, and that he opened up to you about his mom and let you hold him while he cried is amazing . You have already started forming a bond with this sweet boy and that is the best news!! I hope you can keep us updated from time to time. We are pulling for you!
@mercantilewriter Sounds like the little guy caught a lucky break with an awesome dad! So many kids end up in the system. His mom would have needed help also, at least Jack now has a whole new life ahead of him. I am sure you guys will do great, you sound like you are really involved - that's all kids really need. I wish you all the best!
@mercantilewriter Holy crap I cried reading this. All I can say is thank you for every little thing you've done for him. Thank you for helping him order chicken strips. Thank you for letting him buy the shirts he wanted. Thank you for watching Paw Patrol with him. THANK YOU for picking up on him eyeing the fishing rods and taking him fishing. Thank you for taking a picture of his first fish. Thank you for giving him a bath. Thank you for setting expectations from day 1 about brushing teeth and bedtime.

Thank you so much for taking this on. This almost sounds like a movie, but this is really your guy's lives. Sounds like you have great parenting instincts so far. We're rooting for you two OP :)
@mercantilewriter I’m so happy to read this update! It sounds like you and Jack are taking the first few steps towards a happier future. Great job picking up on the fishing, and taking him right then! I truly hope for the best for you two
@mercantilewriter It’s cool that y’all had fun fishing.

You may find that a sense of duty/responsibility is the driving force for you to begin with. If that happens, it’s natural. Bonding may come slowly.
@mercantilewriter I'm sorry but I got emotional reading this, this was a fantastic update and you are doing a great job. There is no handbook, no written rules for being a parent and honestly, you seem to be doing the best for such short notice. That poor little boy has been subjected to the worst things, unthinkable things and you became available as soon as you knew he was out there. I don't know how much merit this has, but I am super proud of you for stepping up and being there for this innocent child. I wish you both the best, we all basically learn on the fly, even after having a baby the next one is like starting all over again.
@mercantilewriter It's incredible what has transpired with you and Jack so far and it's only the beginning. Thank you for sharing the update. You are doing a great job. I'm excited for you, as your bond grows you will be so humbled by parenting and the vast love you feel.
@mercantilewriter Wow, that has to be so overwhelming. You sound like you’re doing great, and he is lucky to have you. Kids are resilient, and adapt well to their surroundings. Be his comfort zone. That’s what he needs right now.
@mercantilewriter WHO PUT THESE ONIONS HERE!?!!?!!?

OP it might be so early to say this but YOU ARE DOING A GOOD JOB. People can study all they can but nothing really prepares you for a child. You're gonna go through hard times, pulling your hair out times. But you are doing a good freaking job. Not so many foster stories end up so happy. You are an absolute superhero for not even hesitating to do what's right. I wish you and your cool sounding kid every single drop of happiness this world has to offer. Just remember no matter how down you get on yourself, in that kids eyes you are everything to him. And that is a special kind of beautiful that not everyone is lucky enough to have.