UPDATE: I (24) recently found out I have a 5yo son I never knew about and now he lives with me

@mercantilewriter Wow. I have a toddler daughter so not as old as Jack, but this made me tear up. I'm so happy to read your update, I guess you have a long road ahead but it seems like you're off to a great start. It probably feels like you don't know what you're doing but neither do any of us! I read another comment someone said remember to be goofy, I'd definitely second that. I find being silly is a great way to build a connection. Also echoing what someone else said - remember to take a break sometimes if you can, you'll need it and it will make you a better parent. I really admire you so much, good luck x
@mercantilewriter i am so glad you updated because I have been wondering about you and Jack. It seems like things are going great so far! I am glad that you have him, and not to speak ill of the dead, but it seems like your parenting is already far better than what he had before. Way to go, Dad!
@mercantilewriter Call yourself dad otherwise he’ll never start. It will feel awkward at first, don’t worry about it. It will eventually feel natural. It will be better in the long run.

@mercantilewriter It is a great update. And you are doing a very good if I may say so. You give him the time and space to communicate with you at his own pace and also offer him consistency and support. The boy needs to feel safe and cared for and you are doing that. Congrats on being a new dad!
@mercantilewriter You’re doing it all extremely well. I’m a new(ish) dad to a wonderful 1 year old. I had 9 months to prepare and I still wasn’t ready… no one is ready to be a father, you do your best and then jump in with both feet and give it your all. And that’s what you’re doing.

My new dad advise is to just be goofy, don’t be judgmental of yourself and have fun. There’s a never ending list of things to do, new shit to buy, appointments to go to… so get it done as best you can, hit the sack early in the evening and do it again the next day. It’s tiring and hard some days, so give yourself a break, but try… try hard, and you’ll turn out a wonderful young man. You’re way ahead of most. Good luck, you’re already doing so well my friend
@mercantilewriter Omg I’m so happy you’ve found time to update! (Commented previously)

All sounds like it’s going well! I would have thought he’s not had a “dad” figure in his life to go fishing or play football etc so I bed he’s really happy about it!

Remember his mum is all he’s ever known so it will be hard & id hold off with your girlfriend for a while as he might think your trying to replace his mum.

Sounds like your doing a really good job though! Well done to you because not many people could have done this and at your age!
@mercantilewriter This is such a sweet update.

I was actually showing and talking about your post yesterday to a friend who is going through the exact same & was wondering how the meet & move was going.

I really hope it goes well for you both.
@mercantilewriter This is the very best thing I've read in many a day--not just on Reddit, but the whole internet. So much to warm the heart, here! OP, you're killing it! So glad he has you, the safest of safe warm places to land after such a crushing blow. And pro-tip: take him to the drugstore and let him pick one of the many electric toothbrushes made specifically for kids, along with some bubblegum-flavored toothpaste or equivalent.
@mercantilewriter This update has gotta be bullshit. What 24 year old has a four bedroom house, even while working in finance, right on the beach no less? This definitely can’t be BC, and I don’t think that’s attainable in the eastern provinces either. Also a five year old wouldn’t be able to cast a huge surf rod. Try harder next time.
@oldsaint I actually am in BC. Like I've told a few others, the house was my grandparents originally and left it to my mother. She lives out of province so I'm in the process of buying her out. And he used a shorter, freshwater rod just off of the pier, and I still had to stand behind him and help him handle it...
@mercantilewriter Not everyone is going to believe you because your story is so truly heartwarming, it feels too good to be true. It also is the storyline to maaaaany novels, tbh. But I want it to be true so I'm choosing to believe you're telling the truth.

I would just ignore the nay sayers and just move on with your life with your son. Good luck!
@oldsaint I agree with you. Also, the account is less than a week old. This sounds like someone in one of those writing prompt subs created an alt to post this story. OP is a practiced writer.