UPDATE: I (24) recently found out I have a 5yo son I never knew about and now he lives with me

@justin_473 A friend of mine made well over 100K a year by the time they were 25 so not unbelievable.

Did he say an attorney wrote up the will? Or that she just wrote one up and filed it? If the latter, it could have been done through, say, LegalZoom or something, I'd say. I can't remember the first story well enough though to be sure.

But regardless, does it matter? Best case, he's a truly amazing person. Worst case, he's winning a lot of ultimately pointless internet points. 🤷‍♀️
@chrissie0555 Does it matter if it's a true story? Not really. It matters just as much as me thinking it's fake.

Attorney or not. A drug addict in their 20s having a will isn't believable.

Kinda setting the bar low for "amazing person". Taking care of your children is a normal thing most parents do.
Taking care of your children is a normal thing most parents do.

Generally only if you wanted parenthood in the first place. Resentment is a real thing parents have even if they DID want the kid.

Taking on a 5 year old at 24 years old is nothing to sneeze at. He could have said fuck you, I'll live my life and the kid will live his. Instead, he's preparing his ass off, actually giving a fuck, welcoming and respecting this stranger child that's now 100% a part of his life.

I have a 23 year old stepdaughter. There is no way in hell she would act the same as this guy. She wouldn't have said fuck you, little kid. But she'd be complaining way more and it would not ever be going this well. And also, she would have immediately pawned the kid off to me and her dad, 100%. Of this I'm certain. Unless there's some deeply, deeeeply buried maternal instinct somewhere in there, that is...

If he's truly 24 years old and truly taking on a 5 year old, he is a very good person. I'd go so far as to say "amazing". Just my two cents, though. And you're entitled to yours, as well.
@justin_473 - She had a few days before passing to write an emergency last will and testament. She had an inoperable brain bleed so it was pretty clear what the end-result was going to be.

- The house was originally my grandparents but left it to my mother. She lives out of province so I'm in the process right now of buying her out.

Sorry if you think I'm lying still but I really don't know what to tell you
This woman was supposedly a junkie who couldn't afford clothes or bedding but she had enough to pay at attorney to write a will? I don't know a single person in their 20s who has a will. Especially not a drug addict.

More importantly, she had an "inoperable brain bleed" from a cycling accident that allowed her 3 days in which she was lucid enough to "get her affairs in order"?? That's... not how that works...
@sotanaht If the brain bleed is slow enough, that's absolutely how it works. You're ok until you're not. Once they found out it was inoperable and told her, they probably had her do a will at the hospital. I've had chronic health issues my whole life and I've had plenty of people ask if I want to make a living will if I'm going in for surgery or when they thought I might have a stroke.
@whfbiz Yeah... he lives in Canada but can go fishing in January? He is a 24 year old "in finance" that can afford a 4 bedroom house 10 minute walk from the ocean? Also school starts at 4 here so his son would be in JK right now, not starting in September.
@dedindi The house belonged to my grandparents originally and left it to my mom. She lives out of province so I'm currently in the process of buying her out. On the school boards website, it says that the school year starts in September. Sorry if you think I'm lying still.